My Tribute to Tata Mandela

Farewell, be at rest, Tata Mandela
You were truly an amazing fella
Your life’s mission was to serve
To give to all the life they deserve

You showed South Africa a new road
How to remove that discriminatory load
How to work towards a peaceful goal
And to lift every South African’s soul

You taught forgiveness, with impunity
Your life’s message was peace and unity
You led our country out of the dark
In the world you made a huge mark

Your message of reconciliation and peace
We pray will continue and never cease
Your beloved ANC has sadly failed you
No longer to your legacy are they true

Corruption, nepotism, apartheid in reverse
Their greed and false promises are quite perverse
We pray they will change and see the light
To follow your steps and do what is right

Our nation mourns today – we are very sad
You were our country’s Tata, a real Dad
We celebrate your life, your love, your very being
We pray your rainbow nation we will soon be seeing

Rest in eternal peace, Tata, rest
On earth you certainly did your best
We no longer see you but your spirit is here
Your contribution to our world we will always revere

(Poem by Denise Nicholson)