United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (Doc. CM/1999 (LXVI) Add.1))

AHG/Dec.122 (XXXIII)


United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa

(Doc. CM/1999 (LXVI) Add.1))

The Assembly of Heads of State and Government:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report;

  1. COMMENDS the Regional Centre for the activities so far carried out to promote dialogue at regional and sub-regional levels and the dissemination of information on peace, security and disarmament in Africa, despite its limited financial resources;

  1. REAFFIRMS the need to keep the Centre operational in accordance with its mandate and the necessity for it the latter to work in close collaboration with the OAU Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution for the promotion of preventive diplomacy, peaceful resolution of conflicts, disarmament, peace, security and humanitarian activities;

  1. INVITES African States and African Sub-regional Organizations to make annual payments to the Special Trust Fund and the International Community to make voluntary contributions to enable the Regional Centre to successfully implement its programme of activities and improve its services;

  1. REQUESTS the UN Secretary-General to appoint a Director to be based at the Headquarters of the Centre and take appropriate measures to enable the latter to discharge its responsibility;

  1. ALSO REQUESTS the UN General Assembly to invite the United Nations Secretary- General to take the necessary administrative measures to ensure, among other things the smooth functioning of the Centre, bearing in mind the role to be played by the

Centre as part of conflicts prevention and maintenance of peace and security in Africa;

  1. CALLS UPON the OAU General Secretariat and the Regional Centre to strengthen cooperation not only between the two institutions but also between the Regional Centre, Regional and the Sub-regional Organizations working for peace, security and development, particularly the UN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Matters in Central Africa;

  1. FURTHER INVITES the OAU General Secretariat and the Centre to approach the donor countries and International Institutions and Foundations in order to raise the Funds needed to revitalize and ensure the smooth functioning of the Centre;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Secretary-General to submit a report to the Thirty-fourth Ordinary Session on the implementation of the present decision.

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