Malaria Prevention and Control Within the Context Of Africa's Economic Recovery and Development

Malaria Prevention and Control Within the Context Of Africa's Economic Recovery and Development

AHG/Dec.124 (XXXIV)


The Assembly,

  1. REAFFIRMS the pledges and requests made in 1997 in the Harare Declaration on Malaria

Prevention and control in the context of African Economic Recovery and Development (AHG/DECL.1 (XXXIII),

  1. WELCOMES the technical and financial support provided to Member States of our Organization by all its partners, especially AusAID, DFID, GTZ, Belgian Cooperation, Italian Cooperation, JICA, UNICEF, USAID, the World Bank and WHO,

  1. ACKNOWLEDGES the initiative and critical role played by WHO in 1997, specifically the generous assistance provided by the Director-General through the accelerated programme of malaria control in Africa, the actions taken to develop strong community-based approaches to ensure sustainability of control and the continuing support in 1998;

  1. APPRECIATES AND SUPPORTS the development of a field-demand driven, multinational, multi-agency and multidisciplinary African initiative for malaria control;

  1. WARMLY WELCOMES the global 'Roll Back Malaria' initiative of the Director - General elect of WHO which will use the African initiative as its spearhead;

  1. ACKNOWLEDGES the concerted efforts of the endemic countries for their political commitment and investment of human and financial resources towards malaria prevention and control.

  1. CALLS UPON all Member States to:

    1. commit additional human and material resources for malaria prevention and control,

including disease surveillance and research, in line with the development of


sector reform;

    1. develop strong community-based approaches to ensure effectiveness and sustainability;

    1. mobilise all partners, public and private, local and foreign, to support the execution

of malaria prevention and control activities as part of the economic recovery and development;

    1. take vigorous action against malnutrition and the major endemic diseases, particularly, HIV/AIDS, and Malaria within the framework of a cooperation with specialized agencies and bilateral cooperation;

  1. REQUESTS the WHO to continue working closely with the OAU to coordinate efforts aimed at the eradication of malaria from the African continent and to increase its level of support in that respect.

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