Culture of Peace

AHG/Dec.128 (XXXIV)


The Assembly,

  1. WELCOMES decision taken by the United Nations General Assembly to proclaim the year 2000, International year of the Culture of Peace;

  1. CONSIDERS the International Year as a propitious occasion to su bstitute the culture of war and violence which characterized the lost millennium of human history with a culture of peace by promoting values, attitudes and compartments which constitute the foundations thereof.

  1. CALLS ON Member States to set up national committees comprising all sectors of society to implement activities in respect of the International Year aimed enhancing reconciliation and national unity through the culture of peace;

  1. CALLS ON the Secretary General in cooperation with the Director General of UNESCO and all other concerned institutions, to coordinate their efforts with the view to implementing the International Year of the Culture of Peace;

  1. FURTHER CALLS ON the Secretary-General, in concert with the Director General of UNESCO and all other concerned agencies and institutions to promote within Member States, activities to celebrate the Year 2000 as the International Year of the Culture of Peace and COMMENDS the Director General of UNESCO for this laudable initiative.

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