Decision on Proposal for Eradication of Tsetse Flies on the African Continent - (CM/2152 (LXXII) ADD.2

AHG/Dec.156 (XXXVI)


The Assembly:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report presented by the Government of Uganda, and COMMENDS the efforts undertaken to highlight the problems caused by tsetse flies in Africa;

  2. COMMENDS those African countries that have initiated the application of Sterile Insect Technology (SIT) for their pioneering effort;

  3. RECOGNIZES the seriousness of the problem as one of Africa’s greatest constraints to socio-economic development severely affecting human and livestock health, limiting land use, causing poverty and perpetuating underdevelopment on the Continent;

  4. URGES Member States to act collectively to rise to the challenge of eliminating the problem through concerted efforts in mobilizing the necessary human, financial and material resources required to render Africa tsetse-free within the shortest time possible;

  5. ACKNOWLEDGES the trans-boundary nature of the problem, WELCOMES the establishment of the Pan-African SIT Forum as a mechanism through which sustainable area-wide tsetse eradication can be achieved and CALLS UPON the Secretary-General to provide support to the Pan African SIT FORUM;

  6. DECLARES the year 2001 as the year of the control of tsetse fly, to mark the beginning of renewed efforts in the campaign for the eradication of tsetse flies in Africa;

  7. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to undertake all necessary consultations with a view to initiating the campaign from all possible partners and seek their support and cooperation in the implementation of the Pan-African Tsetse Eradication Campaign. The Secretary-General should submit an annual Progress Report to the

OAU Summit, through the Current Chairman.

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