Resolution on the Colonial Enclaves on the Northen Coast of Marocco

CM/Res. 395 (XXIV) CM/Res.389 (XXIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its 24th Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, from 13 to 21 February 1975,

Taking note of the content of the document CM/612/AD 8 dealing with the question of the Moroccan towns of Sebta, Melilia, Alhuceima and Velez Islets and Jaafarines islands under Spanish colonial domination and whose registration has been requested by the Moroccan Government at the United Nations Committee of 24 on January 30, 1975 in its agenda under the number A/AC/109/475,

Reaffirming the firm determination of the Member States to complete the total liberation of the African continent as soon as possible,

Considering that the maintenance by Spain of the colonial enclaves on Moroccan territory constitutes a threat to the African countries,

  1. EXPRESSES its entire solidarity with the Kingdom of Morocco for the recuperation of the colonial enclaves on his northern coast;

  1. REQUESTS INSISTENTLY the United Nations Committee of Decolonisation to apply the proper procedure in order to realize the decolonisation of the above-named towns and territories;

  1. LAUNCHES AN URGENT CALL to Spain to accelerate the process of the decolonization of the enclaves and to start negotiations on the subject with Morocco;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity to make a report on the developments of this question at the 25th Session of the council of Ministers.

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