Resolution on the Situation in SAO Tome E Principe

CM/Res. 403 (XXIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 13th to 21st February, 1975,

Considering the positive successes scored by the people of Sao Tome e Principe in their national liberation struggle, particularly the signing on 26 November, 1974 in Algiers of the Protocol Agreement between the Liberation Movement of Sao Tome e Principe and the Government of Portugal fixing 12 July, 1975 as the date for the independence of that country;

Having heard the statement made by the representative of the Liberation Movement of Sao Tome e and Principe (MLSTP);

Noting the economic, social and cultural situation prevailing in Sao Tome e Principe on the eve of the accession of that country to full sovereignty;

  1. PAYS special tribute to the people of Sao Tome e Principe for their resounding victory during the independence struggle;

  1. REAFFIRMS its total solidarity with the people of Sao Tome e Principe in their national reconstruction efforts;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU General Secretariat in co-operation with the MLSTP to seek ways and means of giving top priority technical assistance to that country;

  1. DECIDES that immediate financial assistance be given to the MLSTP to enable it solve the serious problems now facing Sao Tome e Principe.

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