Resolution on Zimbabwe

CM/Res. 457 (XXVI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 February to 1 March 1976,

Having examined the Report of the 26th Session of the Liberation Committee, particularly the part devoted to Zimbabwe,

Having, on the one hand, heard the statements made by the representatives of ANC of Zimbabwe and, on the other hand, examined the political and military situation in Zimbabwe,

Noting that the illegal racist minority regime has resorted to employing delaying tactics and divisionist machination aimed at enabling it to strengthening its machinery of repression,

Noting further that the racist illegal regime is stepping up provocations, threats and oppression against neighbouring African sovereign States, particularly the People’s Republic of Mozambique, Zambia, and Botswana in order to extend and internationalize the conflict.

  1. REAFFIRMS OAU’s recognition of ANC as the sole and legitimate representative of the people of Zimbabwe;

  1. CALLS UPON the ANC to intensify the armed struggle for national liberation and majority rule;

  1. INVITES OAU Member States to render every moral, political, diplomatic support and give material assistance to the just cause of national liberation of the people of Zimbabwe against the illegal and racist regime;

  1. APPEALS to the Heads of State of Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia to continue their efforts to ensure that the unity of the people and their Organization, the ANC is safeguarded;

This resolution was drafted by and adopted on the recommendation of the 26 th Ordinary Session of the Co- ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa.

  1. APPEALS to the OAU Member States to maintain vigilance against the racist illegal regime and to express their solidarity with the sovereign States neighbouring Zimbabwe.

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