Resolution on Inter-African Technical Co-operation


Page 84


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Recalling resolutions CM/408 to 412 (XXIV) on Inter-African Co-operation,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on Inter- African technical co-operation;

  2. APPEALS to Member States to contribute to the OAU Technical Co-operation Fund;

  3. APPEALS to Member States to use the African Administrative, technical and scientific personnel listed within the framework of the OAU Programme for Technical Co-operation;

  4. APPEALS to African Inter-governmental organizations, Associations of African governmental bodies and organizations of the United Nations System to contribute to the realization of the OAU Programme for Technical Co-operation;

  5. DECIDES to devote the OAU Programme for Technical Co-operation as a priority to newly-independent African countries;

  6. AUTHORIZES the OAU Secretary-General to negotiate and subsequently sign, after approval by the Council, Protocol Agreement with organizations engaged in substantial development activities on the Continent;

  7. REQUESTS the Committee on structure to study ways and means of rationalizing the administrative structure of the General Secretariat responsible for promoting Inter-African co-operation in the economic, political, technical, scientific, cultural and other spheres;

  8. URGENTLY APPEALS to Member States to forward to the General Secretariat their comments on the setting up of a Conference of African Intergovernmental Organizations and Associations of African governmental bodies, in accordance with the decision of the Twenty-Fifth Ordinary Session of the Council on Technical Cooperation.

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