Resolution on Djibouti

CM/Res. 548(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty - Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977

Recalling the heroic struggle waged by the people of Djibouti to liberate their country from colonial domination;

Taking note of the Report of the OAU observer mission to the Referendum and Elections in Djibouti the then so-called French Somaliland held in May 8, 1977 and all the initiatives deployed by the OAU Member States and the Liberation Committee towards the total liberation of Djibouti;

Considering the special appeal made by the Government of Djibouti to the OAU for economic, financial and technical assistance;

  1. WARMLY CONGRATULATES the people and Government of Djibouti on the accession of their country to independence on 27 June 1977;

  1. EXTENDS its warmest congratulations to the Government of Ghana for its positive contribution towards the success of the Round Table Conference held in Accra in March/April 1977 and for the establishment of a common political platform between the Liberation Movements and the political parties of Djibouti;

  1. URGENTLY APPELS to Member States of the OAU to respond favorably on a bilateral and multilateral basis to the special request made by the Government of Djibouti for financial economic and technical assistance to help the young state to build its economy and consolidate its independence;

  1. DECIDES to give the Government of Djibouti the sum of US $ 1 million as emergency assistance.

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