Resolution on Sanctions against Southern Rhodesia

CM/Res. 549(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977

Having taken note of the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on Sanctions against Southern Rhodesia,

Recalling the previous resolutions on this question.

Concerned about the persistent and repeated violation of the international sanctions in disregard of the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity,

Conscious of the threat that the racist regime of Southern Rhodesia poses to the peace of the region and to international security,

Convinced of the growing aggressive attitude of the rebel regime of Salisbury to independent countries of the region,

Concerned about the intensification of the repression against the innocent population of Zimbabwe,

  1. CONGRATULATES the Administrative Secretary General on his comprehensive report on the violations of sanctions imposed on the British colony of Southern Rhodesia;

  1. CONDEMNS once again all kinds of collaboration with the racist illegal regime of Rhodesia,

  1. CONDEMNS all countries of the world, particularly those sanctions breaking Western countries, as well as Japan and Israel and urges them to put an end to their

economic, trade, military, sports, telecommunications and other kind s of cooperation with the retrogressive regime of Salisbury.

  1. CONDEMNS Israel for its military cooperation with the racist illegal regime of Southern Rhodesia;

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation and solidarity on the historic decision taken by the People’s Republic of Mozambique and Zambia to close all their borders with Southern Rhodesia and notes with satisfaction that this important decision has already had a positive effect on the intensification of armed national liberation struggle in the territory;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to closely follow the situation and intensity as far as possible, the campaign to discourage all forms of co-operation with the white minority settler regime in Southern Rhodesia.

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