Resolution on the Third General Conference of Unido

CM/Res. 561(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty - Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977

Recalling its resolution CM/Res. 246 (XVII), which inter-alia recommended the holding of the conference of African Ministers of Industry biannually throughout the 2 nd Development Decade,

Recalling further its resolutions CM/Res. 276 (XIX) and CM/Res. 312 (XXI) dealing with the 2nd conference of African Ministers of Industry,

Noting with appreciation the steps taken by Conference of African Ministers of Industry which met under the joint sponsorship of OAU, ECA and UNIDO,

Noting further that the 4th and 5th conference of African Ministers of Industry will take place before the 3rd General Conference of UNIDO,

Conscious of the need for the African countries to present a common position at the 3 rd UNICO General Conference taking into account particularly the developments since the 2 nd UNICO General Conference, and the fact that the 2 nd UN Development Decade is just about to come to an end,

Convinced that a comprehensive background study to be prepared by the 4 th and 5th Conference of African Ministers of Industry will constitute a solid basis fir a common African position in the 3rd UNICO General Conference,

Reiterating its conviction of the need for the developing countries to present a unified stand during the 3rd General Conference of UNICO, in line with the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action, and the African Declaration of Industrialization of Africa,

  1. REQUESTS the Follow-up Committee during its next meeting to review and up -date the Declaration of the Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry and the implementation of the Declaration and Plan of Action of the Second General Conference of UNIDO in Lima (Peru) as far as Africa is concerned in the light of recent developments and requests the OAU, ECA and UNIDO Secretariats to assist in this exercise, in keeping with their role as joint -Secretariats for the Committee;

  1. INVITES the Member States of the OAU to use the African Declaration and the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action referred to in paragraph 1 above as the basis for any further appropriate elaboration of the African position during the 3 rd UNIDO General Conference to be held in New Delhi, India in September/October 1979;

  1. RECOMMENDS that all OAU States participate fully and actively in the preparatory arrangements for the 3 rd General conference of UNIDO both in the African level and in the level of the Group of 77, and in the 3 rd UNICO General Conference to be held in New Delhi, India, in September/October 1979;

  1. INVITES the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU and the Executive Secretary of the ECA to service the work of the African Group during all preparatory meetings as well as during the 3rd General Conference of UNIDO itself.

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