Resolution on the United Nations Conference on Desertification

CM/Res. 609(XXX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirtieth Ordinary Session in Tripoli, Libya from 20 to 28 February, 1978,

Having considered the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the United Nations Conference on Desertification CM/867 (XXX) held in Nairobi from 29 August to 9 September 1977;

Having considered also the progress report of the Administrative Secretary General on the dramatic recurrence of drought in Africa during the 1977-78 campaign;

Noting with concern the geographical extension of the areas affected or likely to be affected, by drought which is one of the main factors of the rapid spread of desertification that affects considerable number of countries in our Continent;

In view of the considerable means required for an effective control of drought and desertification:

  1. CONGRATULATES the General Secretariat on the fruitful work done during the preparation and proceedings of the UN Conference on Desertification;

  1. ENDORSES the recommendations of the UN Conference on Desertification;

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