Resolution on Drought and Other Natural Disasters

CM/Res. 616(XXX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirtieth Ordinary Session in Tripoli, Libya from 20 to 28 February, 1978,

Considering that the worsening of the drought situation in 1977 is a problem which affects and concerns the whole Continent;

Having heard the statement by the delegation of Madagascar on the periodical nature of cyclones in his country and on the disastrous situation there as a result of the tropical cyclones which swept that part of the Indian Ocean,

Considering the serious human and material losses suffered by several Member States of the Organization on account of the cyclones, floods and other natural disasters;

Having heard that statement of the Heads of delegation of Cape Verde and Guinea- Bissau on the situation in their respective countries on account of the recurrence or worsening of drought;

Recalling the statement of the OAU General Secretariat at the Thirty-second General Assembly of FAO on the tragic situation prevailing in these countries on account of the recurrence of drought and its rapid extension to the whole area;

Having considered the interim report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the dramatic situation prevailing in some Member States of the Organization in view of the recurrence of drought;

Noting with concern the lack of the necessary financial means to provide urgent assistance to the Member States of our Organization which have been stricken once again;

Recalling the provisions of Resolution CM/Res. 572 (XXIX) and, in particular, its second paragraph;

  1. URGES the Member States of OAU to promptly pay their contributions to the OAU Emergency Fund;

  1. CALLS ON the Administrative Secretary-General to convene as soon as possible an extraordinary meeting of the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on the problems of drought and other natural disasters in order to define an OAU Strategy and concrete action with a view to checking once and for all these disasters which constitute a permanent threat to member States;

  1. AUTHORIZES the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to take within the framework of the Special Fund for Assistance to Africa (FASA) the necessary steps with the League of Arab States to obtain financial assistance of at least US$15,000,000 to enable the countries subjected to drought, cyclones, floods and other natural disaster to cope speedily with the serious situation prevailing in their countries;

  1. AUTHORIZES the Administrative Secretary-General to pursue his contact with the competent bodies of the Islamic Conference with a view to making them more responsive to the drought problems, cyclones, floods and other natural disasters, and to securing for the benefit of the stricken countries the financial assistance of the Islamic Solidarity Fund;

  1. CALLS UPON the Administrative Secretary-General to follow up the necessary contacts with the Member States of the League of Arab States and of the Arab Funds for Development in order to obtain more financial and technical assistance for stricken countries;

  1. CALLS UPON the Administrative Secretary-General to maintain and strengthen co- operation and co-ordination of his efforts with the specialized institutions of the UN system as well as regional bodies, such as CILSS, etc, for the benefit of stricken countries;

  1. FURTHER CALLS UPON the Administrative Secretary-General to establish the necessary contacts with governmental and non-governmental organizations, donor countries and all other sources of assistance and financing, with a view to mobilizing international solidarity in the interest of countries hit by drought and natural disasters;

  1. INVITES the Administrative Secretary-General to submit a report on the financial situation and on the result of the steps taken in respect of the foregoing to the forthcoming OAU Council of Ministers,

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