AFRICAN UNION jussi Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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8 JANUARY 2010
At its 215 meeting held on 8 January 2010, the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU) examined the situation in Central African Republic (CAR), and adopted the following decision:
The Council,
Takes note of the Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the Situation in CAR (PSC/PR/2(CCXV) and the presentations made by the Special Envoy of the Chairperson of the Commission to CAR, Mr. Sadok Fayala, representatives of the United Nations, Ambassador Sahlework Zewde, the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), General Seraphin Omanda-Nombo, the International Organization of La Francophonie (IOF), Mr. Hugo Sada, and the European Union (EU);
Recalls its previous Communiques on the situation in CAR, in particular Communique PSC/PR/Comm.3(CXCV) adopted at its 195th meeting held on 17 June 2009;
Welcomes the stated will of the political and social players in CAR regarding the implementation of the Libreville Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 21 June 2008 and the Recommendations of the Inclusive Political Dialogue (IPD) of December 2008, particularly the commencement of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Programme, the continued implementation of the Security Sector Reform (SSR) Programme and the launch of the electoral process;
Notes with satisfaction the tremendous efforts deployed by the authorities of CAR towards the implementation of the reform and economic recovery programmes and the encouraging results achieved in this regard. Council urges the authorities of the Central African Republic to continue to implement the programmes for reform and economic recovery, consolidation of the foundations of public finances, strengthening State authority and the national public administration, and to speed up and ensure ownership of the Security Sector Reform programme;
Calls upon all political actors in CAR to place the national interest above any other consideration, to cooperate continuously and constructively towards the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the Recommendations of the Inclusive Political Dialogue, particularly for the preparation and holding, within the statutory period, of the presidential and legislative elections in a free, fair, transparent and credible manner, as stressed in the Statement of the President of the United Nations Security Council adopted on 21st December 2009, to avoid any constitutional vacuum. In addition, Council impresses upon all parties concerned the need and urgency to accelerate the implementation of the disarmament and demobilization programme, consistent with the commitments made and the timetable adopted by the Steering Committee of the programme;
Expresses its gratitude to the United Nations, the European Union, the Economic Community of Central African States and the International Organization of La Francophonie, CEN-SAD and the other partners, for their multifaceted support and assistance which enabled CAR to engage resolutely on the path of democracy building and peace consolidation. Council welcomes the coordination of efforts deployed to that effect;
Underscores the need for the external and development partners and the international community as a whole to continue to step up their assistance to CAR for the implementation of the reform and economic recovery, as well as the security sector programmes, and for strengthening the State administration and authority throughout the national territory;
Welcomes the establishment of the AU Liaison Office in CAR and the appointment of Mme Hawa Ahmed Youssouf, as the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission and Head of the Office, and other activities undertaken in support of the peace consolidation process in the country. Council encourages the Commission to pursue and intensify the efforts deployed, with the external and development partners, including electoral assistance, security sector reform, capacity building and post-conflict reconstruction;
Decides to remain seized of the matter.