Communique: Communiqué of the 341st meeting of the Peace and Security Council on the situation in Mali Ref:PSC/PR/COMM.2(CCCXLI)

Communique: Communiqué of the 341st meeting of the Peace and Security Council on the situation in Mali Ref:PSC/PR/COMM.2(CCCXLI)





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The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 341st meeting held on 13 November 2012, adopted the following decision on the situation in Mali:


  1. Takes note of the briefing provided by the Commissioner for Peace and Security on the follow-up to communique PSC/MIN/COMM.2(CCCXXXIX) on the situation in Mali, adopted by the 339‘ meeting of Council, held at the ministerial level on 24 October 2012, particularly regarding the joint planning for the deployment of an African-led international force in Mali. Council also takes note of the statements made by Mali, the Special Representative of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Mali, the Chairman of the Committee of the Chiefs of Defense Staff of ECOWAS, Burkina Faso, in its capacity as ECOWAS Mediator in the crisis in Mali, and Algeria, as well as by China, France, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union (EU), and the United Nations;

  2. Recalls its previous communiques on the situation in Mali and reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the national unity and territorial integrity of Mali, as well as its total rejection of terrorism and armed rebellion as a means of furthering political claims;

  3. Reiterates its appreciation to Presidents Yayi Boni of Benin, Current Chairman of the African Union, Alassane Dramane Ouattara of Cote d'Ivoire, Current Chairman of ECOWAS, Blaise Compaore of Faso, ECOWAS Mediator, Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria, Associate Mediator, and other regional leaders, as well as to the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Kadre Desire Ouedraogo, for their efforts to help Mali overcome the challenges facing it. Council welcomes the efforts deployed by President Alpha Conde of the Republic of Guinea to facilitate the transfer of the Malian arms that arrived in the port of Conakry, and encourages him to take the required additional measures to ensure their speedy and safe transfer to the Malian authorities. Council reiterates its appreciation to the core countries for their contribution and continuous commitment to fight against terrorism and transnational organised crime. Council expresses, once again, its gratitude to the United Nations Security Council for the support extended to Africa's efforts, particularly through resolutions 2056 (2012) and 2071 (2012), adopted, respectively, on 5 July and 12 October 2012, as well as to the EU and bilateral partners for their support;

  4. Welcomes the smooth conduct of the Planning Conference held in Bamako, Mali, from 30 October to 4 November 2012, with the participation of experts from Mali, ECOWAS, the core countries, the AU, the UN, the EU and other bilateral partners, as well as the conclusions and recommendations of the meeting of the Committee of the Chiefs of Defense Staff of ECOWAS, which took place in Bamako on 6 November 2012;

  5. Also welcomes the final communique of the Extraordinary Session of the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government, held in Abuja, Nigeria, on 11 November 2012, at which the Authority decided to adopt the harmonised Concept of Operations for the deployment of an African-led international Force in Mali, called "African-led International Support Mission to Mali" (AFISMA), and requested the AU Peace and Security Council to endorse the said Concept and ensure its immediate transmission, together with the Strategic Concept for the Resolution of the Crises in Mali, adopted by the 339th meeting of Council, to the UN Secretary-General, within the time limit prescribed by resolution 2071 (2012). In this regard, Council takes note of the transmission by the Chairperson of the Commission to the UN Secretary-General, by letter dated 25 October 2012, of the Strategic Concept for the Resolution of the Crises in Mali, and recalls paragraph 9 of its communique PSC/MIN/COMM.2(CCCXXXIX), by which Council decided that the Concept of Operations for the planned deployment in Mali would be transmitted to the UN Secretary-General by 15 November 2012;

  6. Notes with satisfaction that the Concept of Operations, as endorsed by ECOWAS, takes into account, as requested in paragraph 10 of communique PSC/MIN/Comm.2 (CCCXXXIX), the contributions which may be made, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council and the relevant decisions of Council and the Assembly of the Union, by other African countries, including the neighbours of Mali, in terms of intelligence, logistics and troops, and aims at building the operational capacities of the Malian Defense and Security Forces, to enable them play a lead role in the recovery of the regions in the north that are at present occupied by armed, terrorist and criminal groups, as well as the execution of related tasks;

  7. Decides, in the light of the foregoing, to endorse the harmonised Concept of Operations for the planned deployment of AFISMA, and stresses that this deployment falls within the framework of the African Standby Force, as provided for in Article 13 of the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council, and aims at responding to the request of the Malian authorities to regain the occupied regions in the north of the country, dismantle the terrorist and criminal networks and restore effectively the authority of the State over the entire national territory. In this regard, Council notes with satisfaction the decision of ECOWAS to maintain its standby brigade in advanced readiness for an imminent deployment;

  8. Requests the Chairperson of the Commission to transmit immediately the harmonised Concept of Operations to the UN Secretary-General, looking forward to the report he will be submitting in accordance with paragraph 7 of resolution 2071 (2012);

  9. Notes that the Strategic Concept for the Resolution of the Crises in Mali and the harmonized Concept of Operations provide the specific information requested by the UN Security Council, in its press statement of 18 June 2012 and resolutions 2056 (2012) and 2071 (2012), on the objectives, the ways, means and modalities of the planned deployment and other possible measures. Consequently, Council urges the UN Security Council to give its full support to the Strategic Concept and the harmonised Concept of Operations and to authorise, for an initial period of one year, the planned deployment of AFISMA, under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. Council, recalling paragraph 17 of communique PSC/PR/ COMM. (CCCXXIII), adopted at its 323rd meeting, held in New York, on 12 June 2012, also urges the Security Council to authorise the establishment of a support package funded by the United Nations assessed contributions, in order to facilitate the speedy deployment and operations of MISMA;

  10. Requests the Chairperson of Commission, within the framework of the African Peace and Security Architecture, to immediately initiate consultations with ECOWAS on the command and control of AFISMA, particularly the appointment of the main officials of the Mission, including the Special Representative, and the necessary coordination mechanisms with ECOWAS and other concerned stakeholders, to ensure an effective deployment and functioning of AFISMA. Council requests that these consultations be expedited within two (2) weeks from the date of this communique;

  11. Also requests the Chairperson of the Commission, in consultation with ECOWAS to take the necessary measures for the generation of forces for AFISMA. Furthermore, Council requests the Chairperson of the Commission, in close consultation with ECOWAS, the EU and the UN, to contribute actively to the mobilization of adequate support for the Malian Defense and Security Forces, especially through the speedy organisation of a donors' conference. Council reiterates its appeal to the international community, including regional and international organisations, to give the necessary support to the Malian Defense and Security Forces, in conformity with the relevant provisions of resolution 2071 (2012), and urges the UN Security Council to establish a Trust Fund to this effect;

  12. Urges all African States, including the countries of the region, the core countries and the other immediate neighbors of Mali, to contribute to the success of the planned operation, particularly through financial, logistical, technical, intelligence and troop contributions, as appropriate;

  13. Reiterates the terms of paragraph 8 of its communique PSC/MIN/Comm.2(CCCXXXIX) on the need for the Malian authorities, prior to the submission by the UN Secretary-General of the report requested by the UN Security Council in paragraph 7 of resolution 2071 (2012), to take a number of measures, in order to enhance efforts aimed at resolving the crises in Mali, including: (a) the preparation, in consultation with ECOWAS and the AU, and with the support of the UN and other international partners, through broad-based national consultations, a detailed roadmap, with concrete steps and timelines, on the implementation of the two main transitional tasks; and (b) the establishment, as soon as possible, of the planned national structure to negotiate with the Malian armed groups in the north that are ready to enter into dialogue in order to find a political solution to the crisis, on the basis of the strict respect of the national unity and territorial integrity of Mali, rejection of terrorism and transnational organised crime, as well as armed rebellion, it being understood that negotiations cannot be open-ended;

  14. Takes note of the statement made by the Interim President of the Republic of Mali confirming that the Roadmap for the Transition will be available in the next few days and stresses, once again, the crucial importance of the consensual and inclusive preparation of this Roadmap for the mobilisation of the international community to support Mali;

  15. Endorses the decision of ECOWAS that neither the Interim President nor the Prime Minister and other members of the Transitional Government can be candidates for the next presidential elections;

  16. Encourages, once again, the core countries to intensify their efforts to combat terrorist and criminal networks, in particular through the Fusion and Liaison Unit (UFL) and the Joint Operational Chief of Staff Committee (CEMOC), and calls for a closer coordination between them and the other neighbours of Mali;

  17. Appeals for increased regional and international support, so as to meet the immediate humanitarian needs in the north of Mali and in the neighboring countries hosting Malian refugees;

  18. Welcomes the action already taken by the AU High Representative for Mali and the Sahel, former President Pierre Buyoya, in the fulfillment of his mandate, including his participation in the Extraordinary Summit of ECOWAS of 11 November 2012 and his current tour in the countries of the region;

  19. Requests the Chairperson of the Commission to organize as soon as possible, in consultation with ECOWAS and the United Nations, a meeting of the Support and Follow-up Group, immediately after the submission by the UN Secretary General of the report requested under paragraph 7 of resolution 2071 (2012), in order to take stock of the evolution of the situation and further mobilize the international community in support of Africa's efforts;

  20. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

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