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13 DECEMBER 2012
The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 348th meeting held in Addis Ababa on 13 December 2012, adopted the following decision on the situation in Darfur, Sudan.
Takes note of the report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the situation in Darfur [PSC/PR/2(CCCXLVIII)] and the briefings provided by the Commissioner for Peace and Security and the Acting Joint Special Representative (JSR) for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) and Joint Chief Mediator (JCM) ad interim. Council also takes note of the statement made by the representative of the Government of the Sudan (GoS);
Recalls its earlier decisions on the situation in Darfur;
Expresses its grave concern at the deteriorating security situation in some parts of Darfur, which has led to considerable loss of civilian lives and has negatively impacted on the humanitarian situation. In this respect, Council urgently calls on the GoS and the armed movements immediately to cease military operations and refrain from any action likely to compound the tense situation on the ground;
Strongly condemns continued attacks by unidentified armed assailants on UNAMID, as well as hostage taking targeting the Mission, and urges the GoS to end impunity for such crimes and spare no efforts in helping to identify and bring to justice their perpetrators;
Commends UNAMID for the efforts to protect civilians and facilitate humanitarian operations through the provision of security and calls on UNAMID to pursue its efforts, using all means at its disposal within the context of the robust implementation of its mandate;
Expresses serious concern at the continued restrictions of movement imposed on UNAMID, which affect its ability to effectively implement its mandate, and calls on the GoS, in accordance with the Status of Forces Agreement, and the armed movements, to cease these restrictions and provide full and unhindered access for UNAMID personnel to all locations within the Mission area;
Commends the signatory parties to the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD), the GoS and the Liberation and Justice Movement (UM), for their continued engagement in implementing the DDPD, including the ongoing preparations for the Darfur Internal Dialogue and Consultations (DIDC) and a Donor Conference. In this connection, Council regrets the disagreement between the Parties and urges them to swiftly resolve their differences. Council calls on the signatory parties to ensure that swift and concrete progress is made on other provisions that have continued to lag behind, particularly those relating to final security arrangements of the DDPD and to the financing and functioning of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA). Council calls on all Member States and international partners and donors to participate and contribute generously at the planned Donors' Conference for Darfur in the first quarter of 2013;
Further commends the continuing efforts of the Acting JSR/JCM to promote the resumption of negotiations between the GoS and the non-signatory armed movements, in order to facilitate an inclusive peace process in Darfur. Council welcomes the signing of a cessation of hostilities agreement on 21 October 2012 by the GoS and a delegation of former commanders of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Executive Council and their commitment to undertake further negotiations shortly. Council reiterates its call on all the nonsignatory movements urgently to abandon the armed struggle and join the peace process;
Welcomes the ongoing initiatives by the local authorities and civil society, supported by UNAMID and other protection agencies, to encourage reconciliation between tribes and communities, as well as mediate between farmers and pastoralists, particularly during the ongoing harvest season;
Appeals to the international community to provide additional support to the civilians in Darfur whose homes and livelihoods were damaged by the heavy seasonal rainfall and flooding recorded in the region. Council welcomes the verified voluntary return to various locations in Darfur, in particular North and West Darfur;
Expresses serious concern at the huge backlog in the issuance of visas for UNAMID personnel, and calls on the Government to clear all pending cases as a matter of urgency, consistent with relevant legal obligations of the host country, as well as the conclusions of successive meetings of the AU-UN-GoS Tripartite Coordination Mechanism;
Requests the Commission to submit to it quarterly reports on all aspects of the situation in Darfur;
Decides to remain actively seized of this matter.