Communiqué: 409th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council on the theme “Promotion of Peace and Reconciliation in Africa”

Communiqué: 409th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council on the theme “Promotion of Peace and Reconciliation in Africa”




Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, P.O. Box 3243 Tel.: (251-11) 5513 822 Fax: (251-11) 5519 321



18 DECEMBER 2013






The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 409th meeting, held on 18 December 2013, devoted to an open session on the theme “Promotion of Peace and Reconciliation in Africa", which took place within the context of the upcoming commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), adopted the following decision:


  1. Takes note of the briefing made by the Commission and the concept note on the Promotion of Peace and Reconciliation in Africa and noted that despite the tremendous efforts made within the APSA towards conflict prevention, management and resolution, Africa still continues to face the scourge of violent conflicts;

  2. Underscores the need to expedite the full operationalization of the APSA as part of the preparation for the creation of conducive conditions necessary for effective prevention of conflicts and promotion of sustainable peace and reconciliation on the continent;

  3. Recalls, the Tripoli Declaration on the Elimination of Conflicts in Africa and the Promotion of Sustainable Peace (SP/ASSEMBLY/PSCDECL.(I)), adopted by the Special Session of the Assembly of the Union, held in Tripoli, Libya, on 31 August 2009, as well as the Lome Declaration on Unconstitutional Changes of Government, the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance, the Solemn Declaration of the Assembly, (Assembly/AU/5/XXI) adopted on 26 May 2013 and the communique SC/MIN/COMM.(CCCLXXXIII) of its 383rd meeting, held at the ministerial level, in Algiers, Algeria, on 29 June 2013, on " National Reconciliation: A Crucial Factor for Security, Stability and Development in Africa";

  4. Urges all Member States to ratify, domesticate and effectively implement the relevant provisions of the AU legal instruments referred to above. In this regard, Council acknowledged the need for Member States to consolidate democratic governance so as to contribute to enhancing national cohesion, social peace, order and development;

  5. Calls for the early completion of the AU Framework for Conflict Prevention including, within it, a Strategy for National Reconciliation and a mechanism for its implementation;

  6. Requests the Commission, the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution (RECs/RMs), all other stakeholders, including Civil Society, to enhance their capacities in order to provide effective support towards national reconciliation;

  7. Underscores the need to ensure that the process leading to national reconciliation includes, among others:

  1. a strong political will and good faith of the parties concerned and inclusiveness,

  2. a vision of lasting peace for the present and future generations and addressing factors that

contribute to conflict and cause untold suffering,

  1. adherence to the principles of dialogue, mutual accommodation, national unity and territorial integrity,

  2. usage, as appropriate, of existing traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution and reconciliation, taking into account the obligations and commitments of Member States under various African and international instruments on democracy, human rights, governance and rule of law,

  3. comprehensiveness, through a judicious combination of measures relating to truth-telling, repentance, justice, healing, forgiveness, solidarity, reparations, reintegration and socio­economic development, and

  4. establishment of reliable implementation and monitoring mechanisms, in order to take forward, in the best possible conditions, the various aspects of reconciliation;

  1. Emphasizes the imperative of identifying and effectively dealing with the root causes of conflicts in order to avoid relapse into conflicts;

  2. Recommends to the Assembly of the Union to consider declaring 2014-2024 as a decade of reconciliation in Africa with a view to consolidating peace, stability and sustainable development on the continent;

  3. Pays special tribute and homage to the late President Nelson Mandela for his outstanding contribution to democracy, national reconciliation and peace not only in South Africa but also in Africa and the world at large.


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