Communiqué of the 1106th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council held on 19 September 2022, on the Update on political transition in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, and Mali.
Communiqué of the 1106th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council held on 19 September 2022, on the Update on political transition in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, and Mali.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. P.O. Box: 3243 Tel.: (251-11) 5513 822 Fax: (251-11) 5519 321
PSC/PR/COMM.1106 (2022)
Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 1106th meeting held on 19 September 2022 on the Update on political transition in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, and Mali:
The Peace and Security Council,
Recalling Assembly Decision [Assembly/AU/Dec.815 (XXXV)] adopted by the Heads of State and Government of the Union during the 35th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union held on 5 - 6 February 2022, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which called on the Member States to uphold constitutionalism and fully respect all AU shared values, normative instruments and legal instruments, particularly the AU Constitutive Act and the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG);
Referring to its previous decisions and pronouncements on the situations in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, and Mali, and on AU Support to the Member States in Political Transition and post-conflict situations, particularly Communique [PSC/PR/COMM. 1076 (2022)] adopted at its 1076th meeting held on 14 April 2022, and [PSC/PR/COMM.1017 (2021)] adopted at its 1017th meeting held on 5 August 2021;
Faithful to the provisions of all relevant AU normative instruments, including the AU Constitutive Act; the Protocol Relating to the Establishment ofthe Peace and Security Council of the African Union; the ACDEG and the Declaration on the Framework for an OAU Response to Unconstitutional Changes of Government, adopted by the 36th Ordinary Session of the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government, held in Lome, Togo, July 2000 (the Lome Declaration);
Reiterating its unwavering commitment to the Accra Declaration, which arose from the AU Reflection Forum on Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa held on 15 - 17 March 2022, in Accra, Ghana, and as endorsed by Declaration [Ext/Assembly/AU/Decl.(XVI)] adopted during the 16th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union held on 28 May 2022, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea;
Reaffirming its commitment to address governance deficits on the Continent in line with all relevant AU normative instruments and to accompany Member States in political transition;
Noting the opening statement made by H.E. Ambassador Amma Adomaa Twum- Amoah, Permanent Representative ofthe Republic of Ghana to the AU and Chairperson of the PSC for September 2022, and H.E. Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security;
Taking note of the statements made by H.E. Ambassador Basile Ikouebe, High Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission and Head of the AU Office in Chad; H.E. Ambassador Mahamat Ali Hassan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Chad to the AU, and the representatives of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);
Reaffirming the unwavering commitment of the AU to accompany all Member States in political transition to achieve lasting peace and entrench democratic governance and constitutionality in accordance with the normative instruments of the Union, while reiterating the AU's commitment to respect the sovereignty, unity and the territorial integrity of Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, and Mali; and
Acting under Article 7 of its Protocol, the Peace and Security Council:
Deeply condemns the surge in armed attacks perpetuated by terrorist groups significantly on military outposts, civilian population and basic infrastructure, thereby undermining the smooth operationalization of the transition process; and underlines the essence of a holistic and comprehensive strategy to respond to the threat posed by terrorism in the region and taking into consideration the vital needs ofthe populace;
Pays tribute to ECCAS and ECOWAS for their respective efforts in accompanying the Member States under consideration to ensure a timely return to constitutional order in accordance with their transition roadmaps; and emphasizes the imperative of national and regional cooperation to address the multifaceted challenges and cross-border security threats;
Reiterates its call for effective collaboration and coordination of efforts between the respective transition authorities, AU, ECCAS, ECOWAS and Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD), as well as all stakeholders within the Transition Support Mechanisms to ensure a coherent approach in delivering the mandates of the transition processes;
Reaffirms M's continued support and the need for consolidating concrete actions towards countries in transition through the provision of political, technical, and financial support to operationalize the transition roadmaps;
Calls on the respective transition authorities to ensure that the transition process is inclusive of all stakeholders, especially political parties, civil society organizations, and religious and cultural leaders to serve the interests ofthe people and guarantee sustainable peace, security and stability in the region at large;
Urges all stakeholders in all the countries in political transition to uphold the supreme interest of their respective countries above all other considerations and work in good faith towards the restoration of constitutional order, the rule of law, democracy and good governance in accordance with AU normative instruments;
Rejects in totality all forms of external meddling and influence in all the countries in political transition, which compound instability nationally and regionally;
On Burkina Faso
Welcomes the key developments on the transition envisaged to culminate into the holding of inclusive elections, including the agreed transition timeframe, set for 24 months with effect from 1 July 2022, convening of a national dialogue and reconciliation processes, establishment of dialogue committees, ascertaining consensus on the roadmap, the establishment of the organs of the transition, territorial reorganization of the military;
Expresses deep concern over the deteriorating security situation in Burkina Faso, marked by heightened terrorist attacks targeting military outposts, the civilian population and essential infrastructure facilities;
Further expresses concern over the debilitating humanitarian situation, chiefly orchestrated as a result of perpetuated armed attacks, with over two million inhabitants forcibly displaced and a significant proportion of the local population in urgent need of lodging and accommodation, as well as other basic necessities;
Welcomes the efforts of ECOWAS, including the appointment of the mediator for Burkina Faso, H.E. Mahamadou Issoufou, former President ofthe Republic of Niger;
On Chad
Notes with grave concern the growing insecurity in the country and emphasizes the need to speedily embark on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) to ensure stability and peace;
Welcomes the signing of the Doha Agreement and commends Qatar for its mediation
efforts which culminated in the signing of this agreement paving the way for the return of exiled Chadians and the holding of National Inclusive Dialogue (NID);
Commends the launch of NID; encourages all stakeholders to put the supreme interest of the country above all individual interests, prioritize peace, and participate in the dialogue in good faith in order to amicably resolve outstanding issues and differences; and calls for equitable and inclusive participation in the dialogue representing the strata of a society fully, including women and youth;
Underscores the primacy of dialogue as a viable approach for holistically addressing challenges facing the country and, in this regard, urges all the armed groups yet to sign the Doha Agreement and parties which withdrew from the NID to reconsider and participate in the process in pursuance of sustainable peace;
Reaffirms its call for the transition authorities to respect the 18 months period for the completion of the transition and unequivocally reiterates that all members ofthe Transition Military Council (TMC) shall be ineligible to participate as candidates for the elections at the end ofthetransition;
Appeals to other Member States and development partners to continue accompanying Chad in the political transition for a total return to constitutional order;
Decides to convene a dedicated session in due course to specifically consider the political transition in Chad;
On Guinea
Welcomes the appointment of H.E. Yayi Boni, former President of the Republic of Benin, as the ECOWAS mediator for Guinea and calls on the transition authorities to work together with the Mediator towards an acceptable calendar for the transition in line with Article 77 of the Transition Charter and ECOWAS requirements;
Condemns the use of coercive measures that jeopardize fundamental freedoms and human rights, including the right to protest and assembly; and calls on the transition authorities to conduct transparent and impartial investigations as well as litigations, especially on political leaders and to ensure respect for the individual and collective freedoms of Guinean citizens;
Notes with satisfaction the call for the holding of the national dialogue by the Prime Minister of the transition and the undertaking to set up a formal dialogue framework aimed at building trust and confidence amongst all parties and reaching consensus on the transition process; and underlines the need for an inclusive approach which caters for the participation of women and the youth;
Reiterates its call for the operationalization of the Monitoring Mechanism on the Transition in Guinea (MMTG), comprising the AU, ECOWAS, UN, and all other relevant stakeholders, pursuant to Communique [PSC/PR/COMM.1030(2021)] adopted on 10 September 2021, as a comprehensive framework for coordinated support and follow-up of the transition in Guinea;
On Mali
Takes note o/the progress attained in the implementation of the Transition Roadmap in Mali and the progress made in the conduct of the transition, including the adoption of a new electoral law and the creation of the Independent Electoral Management Authority (AIGE), the enlargement of the composition of the National Transitional Council (NTC), the legislative body of the transition, to strengthen inclusivity, the adoption of a timetable for political, institutional and electoral reforms as well as the appointment ofthe members ofthe Committee responsible for drafting the preliminary version of the new Constitution;
Acknowledges the progress made in the implementation of the 2015 Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, resulting from the Algiers process, in particular, the holding of the second Decision-Making Level Meeting (RND) from 1 to 5 August 2022 in Bamako, which made it possible to reach an agreement on the distribution ofthe global quota for the integration of 26,000 ex-combatants, including 13,000 between 2023 and 2024 in the constituted bodies ofthe State;
Welcomes the conclusions of the 3rd Meeting of the Transition Support Group (TSG) on Mali by the AU Commission in Lome, Togo, on 6 September 2022, under the auspices of the Government of Togo; and urges the fulfillment of pledges of support for the Malian transition;
Notes with concern the tensions between Mali and Cote d'Ivoire and implores both Member States, with the support of ECOWAS to prioritize resolving differences amicably through dialogue and promoting peaceful coexistence and good neighborliness;
In this context, requests the AU Commission to undertake the following:
Continue to explore the most practical ways and means of concretely supporting all the countries in political transition to enable them to hold inclusive, transparent and credible elections at the end of their respective transitions;
Develop a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for all the countries under consideration in conjunction with the relevant RECs to ensure that timelines are respected and to guide the Council on appropriate interventions, as and when necessary;
Consideration of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in all the countries in political transition, immediately initiate a Commission-wide humanitarian support package, including the possible usage of materials from the AU Continental Logistics Base in Douala, in order to swiftly address the critical humanitarian situation therein and as a significant enabler to ensure a swift return to constitutional order;
Within the broader framework of comprehensive support to the African countries in transition; develop a support program for the countries in transition to address issues relating to National Reconciliation, Governance, Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)/Security Sector Reform (SSR), Institutional Reforms - Rule of Law, Security and Capacity development, premised on national ownership and leadership;
Take a lead role and facilitate collaboration amongst all stakeholders - the AU Member States, ECCAS, ECOWAS, CENSAD, and UN as well as relevant partners - in the operationalization of support mechanisms for all Countries in transition to mobilize-necessary resources to ensure seamless transition processes;
Provision of a comprehensive briefing to the Council on the status of the deployment of 3000 troops to the Sahel, with the participation of all stakeholders involved, for PSC's consideration;
Calls for more robust political support towards all the Lead Special Envoys / Mediators in countries undergoing political transition, namely: former President Mahamadou Issoufou of the Republic of Niger, former President Boni Yayi of the Republic of Benin, and former President Goodluck Jonathan of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; as well as the Special and High Representatives based in all these countries;
/Votes the new initiative, the Africa Facility to Support Inclusive Transition (AFSIT) to be co-created by the AU Commission and the UNDP Regional Programme to promote fully participatory transitions; in this regard, requests for a detailed briefing to be made to the Council, as soon as practicable;
Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
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PSC Outcomes Communiques
Communique ofthe 1106th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council held on 19 September 2022, on the Update on political transition in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, and Mali.
Peace and Security Council
African Union Commission
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