AHG/Res. 94(VIII)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eight Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 4 March 1967,
Considering the difficulties encountered in the temporary recruitment from Member States of technical staff such as interpreters, translators, etc. to cover conferences and sessions of the Organization,
Having regard to the various resolutions adopted by both the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government and the United Nations General Assembly on co-operation between the two organizations and particularly resolution 2193 (XXI) of the United Nations General Assembly,
Bearing in mind the fixed high rate at which technically qualified international staff are recruited to cover conference,
Noting the heavy sums the OAU is compelled to spend for this purpose at each of its conferences and sessions,
Anxious to ensure a substantial reduction in future expenses earmarked for this purpose,
EMPOWERS the Administrative Secretary-General to negotiate with friendly States, specialized agencies and specialized and training institutions in the African States, on the basis of technical co-operation and assistance to OAU, what possibilities exist for such organizations to take charge of African students and civil servants, and give them a crash course in interpretation and translation;
RECOMMENDS that Member States should promote, help and encourage as far as possible, the training of their nationals who wish to make a career in this direction in which the needs of Africa are still very far from met.