Resolution on Rhodesia

CM/Res. 135 (X)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Tenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 24 February 1968,

Noting with approval the report of the Administrative Secretary-General, and the report of the Committee of Five on Rhodesia as well as the report of the Foreign Ministers of Algeria, Senegal and Zambia,

Recalling its resolution CM/Res.75 (VI) of 6 March 1966, CM/Res 78 (VII) of 4 November 1966, CM/Res.96 (VIII) of 4 March 1967 and CM/Res. 108 (IX) of 10 September 1967 concerning Rhodesia, and also resolution 232 of 16 December 1966 of the Security Council of the United Nations imposing selective mandatory sanctions against Rhodesia, and General Assembly resolution 2262 of 8 November 1967.

Convinced that the selective mandatory sanctions as approved by the United Nations have completely failed to bring down the illegal racist minority regime in Rhodesia;

Strongly convinced that the situation in Rhodesia represents a threat to international peace and security:

  1. CONDEMNS as a crime against humanity the atrocities perpetrated by the illegal racist minority regime in Rhodesia against the African people fighting for their freedom;

  1. CONDEMNS the economic, financial and other interests which impede the progress of the African people towards independence;

  1. CONDEMNS unreservedly the Government of the United Kingdom for its continued failure in assuming effectively its moral and political responsibilities to the people of Zimbabwe and by allowing the illegal racist minority regime of Ian Smith to consolidate its position in defiance of African and world opinion;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS all those countries, and in particular Great Britain which in violation of Security Council resolution of 16 December 1966 imposing selective mandatory sanctions in Rhodesia, continue to maintain direct and indirect commercial and trade links with the illegal regime;

  1. REITERATES its conviction that the primary responsibility for toppling the illegal racist minority regime in Salisbury rests squarely with the United Kingdom and remains convinced more than ever that the only way to bring down the illegal regime is by the use of force;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the right of the people of Zimbabwe to freedom and independence;

  1. AGAIN CALLS UPON the liberation movements of Zimbabwe to close their ranks and form a common front in their struggle against the common enemy for the speedy and effective liberation of their country;

  1. ENTRUSTS the African Group at the United Nations with the task of working tirelessly for the effective implementation of Security Council resolution 232 and to work for an extension of the present selective mandatory sanctions, so that they become comprehensive and mandatory as envisaged under chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations in view of the deterioration of the grave situation in Rhodesia;

  1. DECIDES to retain the question of Rhodesia on its agenda.

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