Resolution on Territories Under Portuguese Domination

CM/Res. 137 (X)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Tenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 24 February 1968,

Having noted the reports of the Administrative Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity and of the Liberation Committee,

Recalling all the previous resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government and the Council of Ministers;

Deeply concerned by the fact that Portugal is systematically evicting the indigenous population from the territories under its domination to South Africa, and is promoting the influx of foreign immigrants into these territories;

Noting with satisfaction the unrelenting struggle of the peoples of these territories for their freedom and independence;

Having noted with appreciation and satisfaction the statements of the representatives of both the Democratic Republic of the Congo and of the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) whereby both governments have agreed to facilitate the free passage, on their respective territories, of freedom fighters of both GRAE and MPLA on their way to Angola;

Realizing the threat of Portugal’s presence in these territories to the struggle being waged in Zimbabwe;

  1. CONDEMNS as a crime against humanity the atrocities perpetrated by the Portuguese against the African people fighting for their freedom and independence;

  1. CONDEMNS the economic, financial and other interests impeding the progress of the African people towards independence;

  1. REQUESTS Member States of NATO to desist forthwith:

    1. from giving the Government of Portugal any military assistance, including the training of Portuguese Military personnel within or outside the framework of NATO, which might encourage the Government of Portugal to continue its repression of the African people in territories under its domination;

    1. To prevent the sale or supply of weapons and military equipment and the shipment of such arms or material for the manufacture or maintenance of such weapons or ammunition:

  1. APPEALS to the IMP and IBRD not to grant aid to the Government of Portugal until that Government has recognized the right of the people under its domination to freedom and independence;

  1. CONDEMNS once more Portugal’s refusal to respect the United Nations resolutions;

  1. DRAWS the attention of the international community to the threat to world peace and security which Portugal’s presence in these territories creates;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS Portugal for its aggressive policy against neighbouring independent African States and in particular the Democratic Republic of the Congo;

  1. APPEALS once more to all the independent African States to increase their material and moral support to the peoples of these territories in their struggle;

  1. CALLS UPON the Liberation Movements to close their ranks in the struggle they are waging;

  2. REQUESTS the Committee of Five for Angola to meet immediately in order to bring MPLA and GRAE together in a united front. In this connection, the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and of the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) are called upon to use their influence in order to secure the release – before the said meeting – of detainees held by either Movements on either of their territories, so as to ensure Movements on either of their territories, so as to ensure an atmosphere of reconciliation and eventual peace between the two Movements.

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