Resolution on the First All-African Cultural Festival

CM/Res. 186 (XII)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twelfth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 17 to 22 February 1969,

Recalling its previous resolutions CM/Res.117 (XI) and CM/Res.147 (XI) relating to the All - African Cultural Festival,

Considering that the First All-African Cultural Festival which is to take place in Algiers from July 21st to August 1st, 1969, on the invitation of the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria constitutes a historic event of interest to the whole of Africa,

Considering the role such a festival is called upon to play in the getting together of and understanding among, the African people for a better understanding of mutual values and cultures;

Considering that such an event will contribute to the rehabilitation and defence of the common cultural and artistic heritage;

Taking note of documents CM/232 and CM/254 Add.1 as well as the report by the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of the Festival as to the preparations that were made for the First All - African Cultural Festival,

Congratulates the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria and the Preparatory Committee of the Festival for the excellent work they have already done;

DECIDES by way of financing the Festival budget assessed at US$1,443,208.00

  1. To retain the following cash receipts as means of self-financing:

    1. Cash receipts from the various artistic and cultural programmes scheduled for the festival.

    1. Rights on television, film and records.

    1. Cash receipts from football tournaments to be organized as soon as possible all over Africa in the following way: In Algiers, tournament between Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, United Arab Republic and Algeria: In Dakar tournament between Mauritania, Guinea, Mali and Senegal: In Abidjan tournament between Ghana, Togo, Upper Volta and Ivory Coast: In the tournament in Libreville: Gabon, Congo (Brazzaville), Central African Republic, Chad and Cameroon, In Kinshasa tournament between Nigeria, Rwanda, Burundi and Congo (Kinshasa): In Nairobi, tournament between Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda, Sudan, Somalia and Kenya.

    1. Performances by invited artists of international fame all over Africa and particularly in Algiers with the participation of the Arab Singer, Oum Kalthoum.

    1. Donations, Government subsidies, contributions by international organizations and specialized institutions without prejudice to the principles and objectives of the festival; approaches in this respect will have to be made by the General Secretariat of the OAU as well as members of the Preparatory Committee at bilateral level;

  1. To grant the Preparatory Committee and additional contribution of US$ 580,000.00 with a view to organizing and holding the First All-African Cultural Festival.

REQUESTS Member States to grant substantial financial contributions which are necessary for the success of this important Cultural festival;

REQUESTS the African Development Bank to consider every possibility to convert into Algerian Dinars the various contributions by the various Member States;

APPEALS to all Member States to participate effectively in the festival and to set up their preparations for the festival on the national level;

REQUESTS all Member States to undertake a publicity campaign through mass media so as to make known the various aspects and the historical scope of the First All African Cultural Festival;

CONGRATULATES the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria for the exceptional efforts it had made to welcome the Festival;

THANKS UNESCO for its contribution to the holding of the festival;

DECIDES in this respect, upon the request by the Algerian National Committee for the Festival (a) to set up the Steering Committee’s Headquarters in Algiers as from March 15th 1969, (b) to send to Algiers a representative of the OAU General Secretariat as from March 15th, 1969, to chair the sub-Committee on Administration and Finance of the Festival;

RECOMMENDS all Member States to do everything possible to welcome and assist the carious missions to be undertaken by Members of the Steering Committee throughout Africa as from March 1969.

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