Resolution on Inter-African Technical Assistance

CM/Res. 195 (XIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 August to 6 September 1969,

Recalling its resolution Cm/Res. 164 (XI) on inter-African technical assistance,

Having studied the report of the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity on the implementation of the above-mentioned resolution,

Desirous of ensuring and promoting employment as a priority in the Member States which have an unfulfilled need for cadres and skilled African manpower,

Convinced of the important contribution that the progressive development of an inter-African technical assistance system will make to the solution of unemployment and underemployment problems in Africa,

Noting that the Economic Commission for Africa has for a long time been compiling the files of African experts wishing to work within the framework of inter-African technical assistance,

Noting with satisfaction the enthusiasm and interest shown by African cadres in taking part in the operation and hence in the development of an inter-African technical assistance system;

Convinced of the necessity for each member State to have a national technical assistance planning service,

Convinced that such a policy is likely to strengthen African understanding, co-operation, solidarity and unity:

  1. REMINDS Member States of resolution CM/Res. 164 (XI) on inter-African technical assistance adopted in Algiers in September 1968;

  1. INVITES interested Member States to specify in their offers of employment conditions of service they propose to accord to prospective candidates;

  1. CHARGES the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU with compiling an up- to-date list of offers of employment and also of available manpower from interested Member States for dissemination within the continent;

  1. REQUESTS the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa to continue to receive the files of African experts and to extend his activities to cadres at all levels;

  1. RECOMMENDS all Member States to strengthen their collaboration with the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU and the Executive Secretary of ECA by providing them with any information necessary for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to each.

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