Resolution on Decolonisation and Apartheid


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 August to 6 September 1969,

Recalling resolutions CM/150 to CM/155 adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government at its Fifth Session held in Algiers, and in particular paragraph 3 of resolution CM/155,

Having closely examined the reports submitted by the Administrative Secretary General on the territories still under colonialism and subject to the hateful doctrin e of apartheid,

Noting with concern that not only has there been no improvement in the situation of the population, but that on the contrary conditions have worsened in these territories,

Convinced that the support given in various forms by NATO Member States enables these racist regimes to intensify their war of colonial domination and therefore constitutes a major obstacle to the liberation struggle of the African peoples concerned,

Recalling the defiance of world opinion by the South African regime in its persistent refusal to implement United Nations resolutions on Namibia,

Noting that Portugal has persisted in the intransigent attitude towards the aspirations to independence of the territories under its domination,

Condemning the illegal racist minority regime of Ian Smith which has imposed an obnoxious constitution on Zimbabwe in order to consolidate colonialism and racism,

Condemning likewise the fact that the United Kingdom as administering power, has not taken the necessary steps to put an end to this regime,

Realizing the difficulties and obstacles to be overcome in the successful conclusion of liberating Africa from foreign powers and racist and illegal regimes,

  1. REAFFIRMS the legitimacy of the struggle launched in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea (Bissau), Namibia, South Africa, so-called French Somaliland (Djibouti), the so-called Spanish Sahara and the Comoro Islands;

  1. DECIDES to submit the following recommendations to the Sixth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government:

    1. That all the liberation movements be required to form a common fighting front in order to achieve and early and speedy victory over the forces of oppression and exploitation;

    1. That no assistance be extended to liberation movements not recognized by OAU;

    1. That more substantial aid be extended to the liberation movements materially, financially and diplomatically;

    1. That better use be made of the information media of OAU Member States, to promote psychological warfare in the territories under foreign domination;

    1. That a new and well-conceived diplomatic and political offensive be launched by OAU Member States at all levels within international organizations to achieve the ultimate aim of the liberation of Africa;

    2. That world opinion be awakened and consistently kept alive to the crimes perpetrated against a section of Africa by the colonial and racist regimes of South Africa, Portugal and the United Kingdom;

    1. That OAU Member States contribute, as far as their resources permit, to the United Nations Fund for territories under colonial and racist domination in Southern Africa;

    1. That an urgent appeal be addressed to the great powers, which are permanent members of the Security Council, to meet their obligations in respect of the problems of colonialism and apartheid with a view to safeguarding international peace and security;

    1. That Spain be urged to implement resolution 2428 (XXIII) of the United Nations General Assembly on the so-called Spanish Sahara;

    1. That France be called upon to meet the aspirations to independence of the peoples of the so-called French Somaliland (Djibouti) and the Comoro Islands;

    1. That the responsibility of the United kingdom, as administering power, for the deterioration of the situation in Zimbabwe be reaffirmed;

    1. That OAU Member States should exert every possible effort to have the South African Regime which, according to the United Nations Charter, has no legal basis, excluded from the United Nations and from other international organizations.

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