Resolution on Zimbabwe

Resolution on Zimbabwe

CM/Res. 207 (XIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fourteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 6 March 1970,

Indignant at the announcement of a so-called Republic of Zimbabwe by the illegal Salisbury regime,

Considering that this new challenge to the International Community in general and to Africa in particular constitutes an insult to African dignity and aggravates racial conflict in Zimbabwe, thus endangering international peace and security,

Taking note of the important message from His Excellency President Ahmdou Ahidjo, current Chairman of the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government expressing the grave concern of Africa at the announcement of a so-called Republic of Zimbabwe,

Reaffirming the full responsibility of the Government of the United Kingdom as the Administering Power in its betrayal of the African majority in Zimbabwe and in the explosive situation prevailing in the territory,

Convinced that the Government of the United Kingdom has by its ineffectiveness, complicity and duplicity contributed to the establishment of a so-called Republic of Zimbabwe,

Recalling the relevant resolutions adopted by the Organization of African Unity and the Lusaka Manifesto on Southern Africa,

  1. VIGOROUSLY denounces the announcement of a so-called Republic in Zimbabwe by the racist minority regime in Salisbury and unequivocally declares as null and void any form of Government not based on the principle of majority rule;

  1. CONDEMNS the Government of the United Kingdom and other imperialist powers who support her in her consistent refusal to use force as the only means to establish legality in Zimbabwe, as well as their complicity in sabotaging the comprehensive mandatory economic sanctions decided by the Security Council of the United Nations;

  1. CALLS UPON all States which continue to maintain political, consular, economic, military and any other relations including all means of communication and transportation with the Salisbury regime to break off those relations immediately;

  1. DECLARES that any recognition of this illegal regime and all its institutions constitutes a defiant and hostile act towards Africa;

  1. REAFFIRMS its conviction that the use of force is the only way to restore the legitimate rights of the people of Zimbabwe and DECIDES to give immediately substantial additional assistance to the freedom fighters of Zimbabwe to help them intensify the armed struggle and urgently CALLS upon Member States of the OAU to take financial, material, military and other appropriate measures to meet the new situation;

  1. PAYS tribute to those patriots of Zimbabwe engaged in armed struggle against the Salisbury illegal racist regime and CALLS upon all the people of Zimbabwe to intensify the struggle for the liberation of their territory;

  1. REQUESTS the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Algeria, Senegal and Zambia, in conjunction with the African Group at the United Nations to take up the matter with the Security Council, in order that this organ applies Charter VII of the United

Nations Charter and demands that the United Kingdom resorts to the use of force with a view to establishing legality in Zimbabwe;

  1. REQUESTS the General Secretariat to submit a report on the implementation of this resolution as soon as possible.

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