Resolution on Decolonization and Apartheid


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fourteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 6 March 1970,

Gravely concerned over the persistence of the racist and minority regimes in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Territories under Portuguese, Spanish and French dominations,

Noting that the South African and Portuguese regimes have systematically rejected outright the Lusaka Manifesto on Southern Africa in-spite of its adoption by the United Nations,

Noting further that the South African racist regime is continuing its illegal occupation of Namibia, its increasing military involvement in Zimbabwe, its support of Portuguese colonialism and the intensification of its brutal repressive measures against the patriots in South Africa,

Deeply concerned at the strengthening of the unholy alliance among the racist regimes of Pretoria, Salisbury, Lisbon and their collaboration with other imperialist powers as evidence in particular by the plans of the Cabora Bassa Dam Project designed to impede the armed struggle and perpetuated foreign domination, exploitation and expansion,

Considering the massive support given by NATO Member States and other international economic and financial interests to the racist regimes of Pretoria, Salisbury and Lisbon in the intensive repression of African peoples and in thwarting their legitimate armed struggle,

  1. REAFFIRMS that any form of military and other co-operation with these minority regimes constitutes a hostile act against all African States and their peoples;

  1. REAFFIRMS its full support for the liberation movements in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea Bissau, Namibia, South Africa, so-called French

Somaliland (Djibouti), and the Comoro Islands against colonial rule. As far as the so - called Spanish Sahara is concerned, the OAU affirms the United Nations resolution No. 2428 (XXIV);

  1. APPEALS urgently to all Member States to increase their assistance to the liberation movements through the OAU;

  1. APPEALS FURTHER to all States and Organizations supporting the liberation of the African continent to make contributions through the OAU for assistance to the people struggling against racism and colonialism, and instructs the General Secretariat to make the necessary arrangements to receive such contributions;

  1. STRONGLY DENOUNCES the construction of the Cabora Bassa Dam Project and plans for bringing foreign companies to refrain from participating in this project; and expresses appreciation to Sweden for its steps to end any participation in this Project;

  1. CONDEMNS the countries that continue to supply military equipment to South Africa and Portugal and maintain all forms of co-operation with these regimes;

  1. REQUESTS the African Group at the United Nations to draw the attention of the Security Council to the continued violation of its decisions on the arms embargo and call for effective measures to end these violations;

  1. REQUESTS the General Secretariat to prepare a detailed report on the collaboration by Governments and foreign economic and other interests with the racist and colonial regimes in Africa for submission to the next Session of the Council of Ministers so that African States can consider decisive measures to end such collaboration;

  1. REQUESTS FURTHER the General Secretariat to transmit this resolution to the United Nations and take steps to draw the attention of organizations all over the world

in order to encourage world opinion to intensify activities against the crimes perpetrated by the racist and colonial regimes against the peoples of Africa;

  1. CONDEMNS the anti-apartheid movements and organizations of students, youth and others all over the world which have actively supported the struggle of the African peoples for liberation;

  1. APPEALS to all organizations and peoples in Africa to celebrate the African Liberation Day on May 25, 1970, as widely as possible in full solidarity with the African peoples struggling against apartheid, colonialism and racial discrimination in the African continent and make racial discrimination in the African continent and make generous contributions for their legitimate struggle.

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