Resolution on the Report of the Co-Ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa

CM/Res. 210 (XIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fourteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 6 March 1970,

Having examined the report of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa on the activities of different liberation movements,

Considering that the total liberation of Africa constitutes one of the fundamental objectives of th e OAU,

Gravely concerned by the imperialist and racist designs in the construction of the Cabora Bassa Dam, and at the participation of certain Western Powers in the financing of this Project,

Noting with satisfaction the progress achieved in the liberation struggle particularly in Guinea (Bissau), Mozambique and Angola,

Convinced that it is of paramount importance that contributions of Member States to the special fund and particularly their arrears be fully and immediately met in order to intensify the liberation struggle,

Indignant at the announcement of a so-called Republic in Zimbabwe by the illegal Salisbury regime,

Deeply concerned at the repeated acts of aggression and intimidation perpetrated against some independent African countries,

Recalling previous decisions of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government to the effect that priority be given to liberation movements which are actively engaged in the armed struggle:

  1. APPEALS to Member States to meet fully their obligations in paying their contributions and arrears to the Special Fund;

  1. DECIDES to give immediate financial assistance to all liberation movements recognized by the OAU and more urgently to ZAPU and ZANU and other liberation movements actively engaged in the armed struggle; and URGES all Member States to provide these movements with such war and other material assistance they require;

  1. APPEALS to ZAPU and ZANU to constitute a common action front;

  1. APPEALS FURTHER to all liberation movements recognized by the OAU to constitute a common action front in order to conduct the liberation struggle with increased vigour and determination;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative secretary General, in consultation with Member States, as well as the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa, to present a comprehensive report to the Fifteenth Session of the Council, on the advantages and disadvantages of recognition of GRAE;

  1. RECOMMENDS to the African Group at the United Nations to continue their efforts in order to include the Comoro Islands on the list of non-autonomous territories;

  1. REAFFIRMS the full solidarity of all OAU Member States with any African country victim of colonialist and racist aggression;

  1. CONDEMNS all imperialist and reactionary forces involved in the Cabora Bassa Dam and calls upon all peace and freedom loving peoples of the world to bring

pressure to bear on these forces in order to induce them to desist from such a hostile attitude detrimental to the aspirations of the Peoples of Africa.

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