Resolution on Decolonization

CM/Res. 234 (XV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 31 August 1970,

Taking note of the Report of the Administrative Secretary General regarding the development of the situation in territories under colonial domination, contained in Document CM/335;

Recalling its various resolutions on the situation in the territories under Portuguese, Spanish and French dominations;

Recalling further the UN Declaration on Decolonization and the relevant UN General Assembly Resolutions on the right of all peoples to independence;

Noting with indignation that the Portuguese regime is employing chemical weapons such as napalm, toxic gas and defoliant, against the freedom fighters and the African population in the territories under its domination in flagrant violation of international conventions;

Realizing that the Portuguese regime is able to continue and intensify its Colonial war of genocide because of continued massive assistance from NATO Member States, especially the United States, West Germany, France and the United Kingdom;

Deeply concerned with the increased economic and military involvement of the South African regime in Zimbabwe as well as in Angola and Mozambique;

Gravely concerned over the aggravation of the situation in Zimbabwe and the proclamation of a so-called Republic, based on and racial discrimination, by the minority racist regime of Salisbury;

Noting that economic sanctions, instituted by the United Nations, have not been effective because of the support of South Africa and Portugal to the Smith regime and the violations of sanctions by imperialist powers;

Again gravely concerned over the continued illegal occupation of Namibia by the South African racist regime and the intensified oppression of the African people in that territory;

Taking note of the Security Council Resolutions 283 and 284, adopted on 29 July 1970;

Noting with satisfaction the progress of the liberation struggle in the territories under colon ial domination;

  1. CONGRATULATES the liberation movements in the territories under foreign domination for the success achieved in their valiant liberation struggle for liberation, and reaffirms its full support,

  1. CONDEMNS the Member States of the Atlantic Alliance, especially the United States, West Germany, France and the United Kingdom, which continue to assist the Portuguese regime,

  1. STRONGLY URGES Spain to comply without delay with the relevant UN Resolutions.. Concerning the legitimate rights of the population of the so-called Spanish Sahara to self-determination,

  1. NOTES with satisfaction the withdrawal of Swedish and Italian firms form the Cabora-Bassa Dam Project,

  1. DEPLORES the decision of West Germany and France to allow their monopolies to participate in this project with South African Companies,

  2. DECLARES its firm opposition to any form of government in Zimbabwe which is not based on the principle of African majority rule,

  1. CONDEMNS the South African and Portuguese authorities for failing to comply w ith the UN Security Council decisions regarding economic sanctions against Rhodesia,

  1. INVITES the Security Council to ensure strict implementation of economic sanctions against Rhodesia by all countries;

  1. REQUESTS the United Nations organs and specialized agencies to give utmost attention to all effective measures to secure compliance by the South African regime with their decision on Namibia,

  1. CONDEMNS the international economic and financial interests which collaborate with the Portuguese colonialists and instructs the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity to follow their activities so that the OAU may take appropriate measures,

  1. CONDEMNS Governments, Movements and Organizations all over the world which support the legitimate struggle of the African people against foreign domination.

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