Resolution on Apartheid and Racial Discrimination

CM/Res. 235 (XV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 31 August 1970,

Taking note of the report of the Administrative Secretary General on apartheid and racial discrimination, contained in Document CM/335,

Gravely concerned over the continued oppression of the people of South Africa and t he intensification of the policies of apartheid,

Noting with indignation the brutal persecutions and inhuman tortures of which African patriots are victims under the vicious “Terrorism ACT”,

Noting further the intensification of the military, economic and other activities of the South African racist regime with a view to extending its aggressive policies to neighbouring territories,

Noting further with grace concern the continued support given to the South African racist regime by NATO Member States, certain Western countries and Japan, as well as by international economic and financial interests, which enables it to pursue its policy of repression against African peoples,

Considering that more effective African and international action is required in order to support the oppressed people of Southern Africa in their legitimate liberation struggle:

  1. CALLS UPON all freedom-loving peoples, States and Organizations throughout the world to take more effective measures against the South African regime and thos e who support it, and to extend assistance to the oppressed peoples of Southern Africa.

  1. CONDEMNS the governments and international economic and financial interests which collaborate with the South African regime and requests the Secretary General of OAU to continue to follow their activities and inform Member States thereof so that concrete measures can be taken to safeguard the legitimate interests of the African peoples,

  1. AGAIN CONDEMNS the anti-apartheid movements and other organizations all over the world which support the African peoples in their liberation struggle and denounce all forms of collaboration with the Pretoria regime,

  1. EXPRESSES ITS EARNEST HOPE that the observance of the international Year of Action Against Racism and Racial Discrimination in 1971, proclaimed by the United Nations will promote effective worldwide activities against apartheid and racial discrimination,

  1. INSTRUCTS the Administrative Secretary General of OAU, in consultation with Member States, to take appropriate measures to ensure maximum success in the observance of the event.

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