Resolution on the Report of the Co-Ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa

CM/Res. 236 (XV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifteenth Ordin ary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 31 August 1970,

Having examined the report of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa on the activities of the various liberation movements and having also studied the development of the armed struggle on all fronts,

Noting with satisfaction the progress achieved in the liberation struggle, particularly in Guinea (Bissau), Mozambique and Angola,

Mindful of the fact that the total liberation of the African Continent remains the principal objective of the Organization of African Unity,

Convinced that unity and solidarity within the ranks of each and every liberation movement is a pre-requisite for the Success of the liberation struggle;

Stressing the significance and importance of the International Congress in Support of the Peoples in Portuguese Colonies held in Rome in July 1970;

Reaffirming the legitimate rights of the people of Comoro Islands and the so -called French Somaliland (Djibouti) to independence,

Noting with indignation that Portugal has intensified its military activities by resorting to large - scale air-raids and to the use of napalm, toxic chemicals and defoliants with the aim of exterminating the civilian African Population as well as destroying crops in the territories und er its domination,

Recalling the decision of the Sixth Assembly of Heads of State and Government, based on the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Seventeen Military Experts, concerning the grant of transit facilities to liberation movements, prior ity of distribution of the means of struggle as well as the training of cadres of Liberation Movements;

  1. CONGRATULATES the movements effectively engaged in the liberation struggle, especially the PAIGC, FRELIMO, and MPLA on the progress achieved in the armed struggle,

  1. CALLS UPON all liberation movements to convene regular congresses to resolve their problems and to strengthen their organization and to present a united action front against the enemy, and when necessary, to summon extra-ordinary Congresses, which should be attended by their respective leaders, to deal specifically with matters of an urgent and pressing nature,

  1. STRONGLY RECOMMENDS to the leaders of the Liberation Movements to remain in permanent contact with the struggling forces in the inter ior,

  1. CONGRATULATES the sponsors of the International Congress in Support of the Peoples in Portuguese Colonies and while hoping that similar solidarity conferences will, in future, be extended to other dependent territories, expresses the wish that all forms of assistance intended for the use of liberation movements be channeled through the OAU Liberation Committee,

  1. DEEMS it necessary that at this stage of the liberation struggle increased substantial aid should be granted to those movements which are actively engaged in the armed struggle and, therefore, appeals to Member States to meet in full their obligation to the liberation struggle by payment of all their arrears and contributions to the Special Fund of the Liberation Committee,

  2. REAFFIRMS its moral and material support to the liberation movements in Comoro Islands and in the so-called French Somaliland (Djibouti) and instructs the African Group at the United Nations to pursue its efforts to secure the inclusion of the Comoro Islands in the list of dependent territories,

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