Resolution on Decolonization

CM/Res. 241/Rev.1 (XVII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Seventeenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 15 to 19 June 1971,

Taking note if the report of the Administrative Secretary General in document CM/380, CM/380/Part I/Add.I and II,

Reaffirming its previous resolutions on decolonization and reiterating its full and unconditional support for the liberation movements in their struggle to achieve freedom and independence,

Seriously concerned by the grave situation resulting from the continued intransigence of the colonial powers, particularly Portugal, the assistance they received from their allies, particularly members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,

Noting with indignation that the Portuguese regime is continuing its colonial wars and acts of genocide against the African peoples, and increasingly resorting to chemical warfare and other brutal means of mass destruction,

Noting with grave concern that the sanctions against the racist minority regime in Zimbabwe remains ineffective largely because of the support received by it from the South African and Portuguese regimes, and that the United Kingdom Government is attempting to negotiate with that regime,

Noting further the strengthening of the unholy alliance of colonial and racist regimes in Southern Africa and the increasing intervention of the South African regime in Zimbabwe and the territories under Portuguese domination,

Considering that the continuance of colonial domination on African soil constitutes and increasing threat not only to world peace but also to the security of independent African States, as evidenced by the invasion of the Republic of Guinea by Portugal and Portuguese-backed mercenaries and the constant threats to the security of independent African States bordering on colonial territories,

Noting the seriousness of the laying of mines by the fascist Portuguese forces in Senegalese territory and deeply concerned about the insecurity suffered by the populations concerned,

Encouraged by the successes achieved by the liberation movements, particularly PAIGC, MPLA, FRELIMO and FNL in their valiant struggles and nothing in particular that they have assumed control in large areas liberated from colonial domination,

Welcoming the programme of action for the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 12 October 1970,

  1. CONGRATULATES the liberation movements in the territories under foreign domination, particularly PAIGC, MPLA, FRELIMO and FNLA for their further successes, and urges these movements to intensify their struggle and calls upon Member States of the OAU to increase their assistance to these move ments;

  1. FURTHER REAFFIRMS its moral and material support to the liberation movements in Comoro Islands and in the so-called French Somaliland (Djibouti) and instructs the African Group at the United Nations to pursue its efforts to secure the inclusion of the Comoro Islands in the list of dependent territories, and also to ensure that this matter is included in the agenda of the Committee of Twenty Four;

  1. INVITES the political leaders of French Somaliland (Djibouti) and the Comoro Islands to enter into contract with the French Government with a view to granting

independence to the brotherly people of that territory in a free and democratic atmosphere and in co-operation with the OAU and the United Nations Organization;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the policy of those Member States of the Atlantic Alliance namely the United States, the United Kingdom, West Germany and France for refusing to co-operate with the United Nations efforts towards decolonization and for their assistance to the Portuguese regime in its criminal wars of repression and recolonization against the African peoples;

  1. DENOUNCES the recent holding in Lisbon of the session of NATO Foreign Ministers;

  1. CALLS UPON all States to deny any assistance to the Colonial Powers, and in particular to prevent their companies, firms, financial groups and nationals from participating in the Cabora Bassa Dam and other colonialist projects;

  1. APPEALS to friendly Governments, Organizations and individuals to contribute generously to the African liberation movements through the OAU, especially to enable them to carry on the urgent task of reconstruction in the liberated areas of Mozambique, Angola and Guinea Bissau;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the attempts by the Government of the United Kingdom to negotiate with the illegal and racist regime of Salisbury the eventual recognition of the regime, and calls urgently on the United Kingdom to abide by its international commitments and the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and of the General Assembly of the United Nations;

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to friendly Governments, movements and organizations all over the world which support the legitimate struggles of the African peoples against foreign domination, and provide moral, political and material assistance to the liberation movements recognized by the OAU;

  2. COMMENDS the African Group at the United Nations for its efforts to promote more effective international action for decolonization, and requests it to intensify these efforts particularly towards acceptance of liberation movements as authentic representatives of territories under colonial domination;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the repeated and flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Senegal by incursions of regular Portuguese troops into Senegal, particularly by the laying of mines;

  1. REQUESTS the General Secretariat to intensify publicity in favour of the liberation movements and against the Governments and economic and financial interests collaborating with the colonial regimes in Africa, so as to secure maximum support for the cause of the total emancipation of the African continent.

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