Resolution on Apartheid and Racial Discrimination


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Seventeenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 15 to 19 June 1971,

Taking note of the report of the Administrative Secretary in documents CM/380 and AM/380/PartI /Add. I and II,

Noting with grave concern that the African people of South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe continue to be subjected to humiliation, exploitation and genocide under the regime of apartheid which constitutes a crime against humanity,

Gravely concerned over the continued detention and torture of opponents of apartheid under the notorious “Terrorism Act”,

Taking note of the intensification of the deceitful propaganda and manoeuvres by the South African racist authorities concerning its so-called “outward-looking policy”,

Considering that this policy is designed to overcome isolation, build a southern African bloc under its hegemony and divide African States,

Noting the continued increase in the military budget of South Africa, and the growing support by South Africa to minority colonial regimes in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Angola,

Noting with grave concern that several countries, in particular Member States of NATO continue to provide military and other assistance to the South African authority, and that foreign investment in South Africa from these countries as well as from Japan has greatly increased,

Taking note with satisfaction of the growing opposition to apartheid by world public opinion and the increasing support to the liberation struggle by anti-apartheid movements and by Church, Trade Union, Student and other groups around the world,

  1. REAFFIRMS its full and unconditional support to the oppressed people of South Africa in their legitimate struggle to eliminate apartheid and achieve majority rule;

  1. REJECTS and denounces the deceitful propaganda and manoeuvres of South African authorities in promoting their so-called “outward policy”;

  1. CONDEMNS the main investors as well as trading partners of South Africa for encouraging and assisting the South African Government in its oppression of the African people;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS all the powers, particularly, France and the United Kingdom, for continuing to supply the Pretoria regime with arms in violation of the resolutions of the Security Council;

  1. COMMENDS the activities of all anti-apartheid movements and of all Church, Trade Union, Student and other groups which support the legitimate struggle of the oppressed peoples of South African countries and boycott South African racists;

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the United Nations, anti -apartheid movements and other groups for their activities in acquainting world opinion with the inhumanity of apartheid and the legitimate struggle of the liberation movements, and appeals for continued efforts in this respect;

  1. APPEALS to all friendly Governments, organizations and individuals to extend greater moral, political, humanitarian and material support to the liberation struggle of the peoples of South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe in co-operation with the OAU;


    1. for the cessation of all military co-operation with South Africa;

    1. for boycott of South Africa in economic, cultural, sports and other fields;

    1. for the ending of torture in South African prisons and the release of all political prisoners;

    1. to apply to freedom fighters the relevant articles of Geneva Conventio n of 1949 on the treatment of prisoners of war and to ensure participation of liberation movements in the drafting and application of international humanitarian law applicable to the so-called internal conflicts;

    1. for appropriate action against companies investing in South Africa;

    1. for prohibiting emigration of persons, especially skilled workers to South Africa;

  1. REQUESTS the African Group at the United Nations to continue to challenge the credentials of the South African delegation;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Bureau of Sanctions and Decolonization to publicize constantly all evidence of collaboration by Governments and economic and financial interest with South Africa.

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