Resolution on the Addis Ababa Declaration of Industrialization in the 1970's

CM/Res. 246 (XVII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Seventeenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 15 to 19 June 1971,

Noting the initiative of the OAU and ECA Secretariats in organizing the Conference of Ministers of Industry held in Addis Ababa during 3 – 7 May 1971,

Convinced of the importance of the recommendations formulated and conclusions reached by the Ministers to speed up and sustain the pace of industrialization in Africa during the 1970s,

  1. FULLY ENDORSES the Addis Ababa Declaration on Industrial Development in the 1970s adopted by the OAU/ECA Conference of Ministers;

  1. SUPPORTS the recommendation made by the Conference of Ministers of Industry for the organization of similar biannual ministerial conferences jointly by the OAU and the ECA, throughout the Second Development Decade;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States to be guided by the principles enunciated in the Declaration in promoting inter-African co-operation and devising and pursuing actions aimed at influencing and effectively utilizing bilateral and multilateral assistance in support of their industrialization efforts;

  1. RECOMMENDS that the Secretariats of the OAU and ECA further intensify their efforts in assisting Member States in implementing the programme of actions defined in the Declaration;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General to report to the Council of Ministers on progress achieved and on new policy and programming initiatives required.

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