Resolution on Namibia

CM/Res. 269 (XIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Nineteenth Ordinary Session in Rabat, Morocco, from 5 to 12 June 1972,

Recalling previous resolutions on Namibia,

Further recalling the United Nations Security Council resolution 310 adopted in Addis Ababa in February by the Special Session of the Security Council held in Africa,

Further recalling the advisory opinion of the international Court of Justice on 21 st of June 1971, and namely its paragraph 133,

Mindful of the obligations of all States under Article 25 of the United Nations Charter, Reaffirming the national unity and territorial integrity of the territory of Namibia, Convinced that the future of Namibia can only be determined by its people,

Recognizing the legitimacy of the struggle of the people of Namibia, by all means including the armed struggle against the foreign occupation of their territory,

Noting with satisfaction the growing resistance of the Namibian nationalists against the continued oppression by the racist regime of South Africa,

Noting further with satisfaction the international interest and solidarity of Namibia as expressed by the recent Namibian International Conference in Brussels,

  1. REAFFIRMS the inalienable right of the people of Namibia to freedom and independence in one entity, in conformity with UN General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);

  1. REITERATED its solidarity and full support to the people of Namibia in their just struggle to regain their freedom and independence;

  1. REAFFIRMS further that the administration of the territory of N amibia is the direct responsibility of the UN and that this responsibility includes the obligation to support promote and protect the rights of the peoples of Namibia as well as the national unity and the territorial integrity of the territory in accordanc e with the UN resolutions;

  1. CONDEMNS all actions by South Africa designed to destroy the unity and territorial integrity of Namibia such as the establishment of Bantustans and declares that the OAU will oppose any actions detrimental to the national unity and the territorial integrity of Namibia;

  1. CONDEMNS any support and assistance given to South Africa which enables it to continue its illegal occupation of the territory or entrench its authority.

  1. CONSIDERS the governments which render such assistance to South Africa, in particular the sale of arms, accessories to the odious aggression against the Namibia people and that such actions from Member States of UN is a violation of their Charter obligations;

  1. CONDEMNS all governments, particularly those of France, the United Kingdom and the United States, permanent members of the Security Council, which have continued to provide the minority racist regime of Pretoria with military assistance contrary to United nations resolutions and regardless of world opinion;

  2. DECLARES that the continued illegal occupation of the territory of Namibia by South Africa, constitutes an aggression against the territory within the meaning of Chapter VII of the UN Charter;

  1. REQUESTS all states to take the necessary measures including legislation, in order to ensure that their nationals and corporations have no dealings with South Africa concerning Namibia;

  1. CALLS UPON all Member States of the OAU to bring pressure to near on foreign companies operating in their respective territories, to withdraw their investments from Namibia or suspend their activities in the territory until the illegal occupation is terminated;

  1. APPEALS to the European Economic Community (EEC) and its members to refrain from all negotiations and dealings with the illegal occupation force of South Africa for such dealings will reinforce the illegal administration of South Africa over Namibia;

  1. URGES all governments and all trade union organizations to boycott ships and aircraft carrying goods and raw materials taken out of Namibia under the illegal South African administration;

  1. CALLS UPON world community to render all moral, diplomatic, material and financial assistance to the people of Namibia in their liberation struggle;

  1. DECIDED in accordance with the recommendation of the Liberation committee to increase material assistance to SWAPO so as to enable it to wage the armed liberation struggle effectively in Namibia.

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