Resolution on the Co-Ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa

CM/Res. 271 (XIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Nineteenth Ordinary Session in Rabat, Morocco, from 5 to 12 June 1972,

Having examined the report of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa on the activities of the various liberation movements and, having studied the development of the armed struggle on all fronts and combat zones,

Noting with satisfaction the progress made by the various Liberation movements actively engages in the armed struggle, particularly in Guinea (Bissau), Mozambique, Angola and Namibia which constitute a major development of far-reaching military, political and social impact on the evolution of the armed liberation struggle,

Mindful of the fact that the total liberation of the African Continent from foreign domination, occupation and eradication of all forms of colonialism and racial discrimination remain the principal objective and constant preoccupation of the Organization of African Unity,

Gravely concerned by the repeated acts of aggression perpetrated by the Portuguese colonial forces against those independent member States bordering Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau) committed to the support of the liberation struggle,

Recalling previous decisions of the Assembly of Heads of State and government concerning the grant of transit facilities to member States to liberation movements so as to ensure the effective prosecution of the armed struggle in territories under colonial domination,

Further recalling the council’s decision at its 18 th Ordinary Session on additional assistance to liberation movements,

Reiterating the urgent necessity for liberation movements fighting within the same territory to close ranks and form a united front for mobilizing the masses inside the territory and intensifying the armed struggle,

Realizing that the present evolution of the armed struggle, necessitates increased material and financial assistance to liberation movements particularly in territories where the struggle has reached an advanced stage, and taking into account the requests and needs of various liberation movements,

Aware of the importance of publicity and information to alert and enlighten world public opinion in order to further support the liberation movement s and isolate the colonial and racist regimes,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report of the co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa;

  1. COMMENDS those movements which are actively and effectively engaged in the liberation struggle especially the PAIGC, FRELIMO, MPLA and SWAPO for the important results so far achieved;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the Portuguese aggression against the territorial integrity of OAU Member States namely the People’s Republic of the Congo, Republic of Guinea, Senegal, Tanzania and Zambia;

  1. REAFFIRMS that any aggression against any Member State is considered as aggression against all OAU Member States;

  1. RECOMMENDS to the 9th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government:

    1. That concrete assistance be rendered to the above mentioned Member States in order to strengthen their defences;

    1. That OAU Member States should endeavour to earmark national military units or war material to be put at the disposal of countries requesting such assistance;

  1. TAKES NOTE of the efforts exerted by the Liberation Committee to bring about unity between the Liberation movements fighting in Zimbabwe, and directs the Committee to pursue its efforts to bring about a unified Zimbabwe military organization under one single command and one single political organization;

  1. RECOMMENDS that the representatives of recognized liberation movements participate as observers in the deliberations of OAU organs on matters of decolonization; or any other matter which may be in the interest of their territories;

  1. REQUESTS the co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa to continue granting assistance to movements struggling for independence and self-determination in the Comoros and the so-called French Somaliland (Dijibouti) and Seychelles;

  1. ENDORSES the recommendations of the Liberation Committee for voluntary additional material and financial assistance to the liberation struggle; and to this end:

  1. DECIDES to submit the relevant document of the report of the Liberation Committee on additional material and financial assistance to the Assembly of Heads of State and government (CM/430/Rev.I Annex III) meeting at its 9th Ordinary Session;

  1. RECOMMENDS that a pledging meeting be held during the 9th Ordinary Session in which member States may be invited to pledge such assistance;

  2. APPEALS once more to Member States to honour in full their obligations towards the liberation struggle by paying without delay all their arrears and contributions to the Special Fund of the Co - ordinating Committee for the liberation of Africa.

  1. APPROVES the terms and conditions of service of the military experts employed by the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa.

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