Resolution on South Africa

CM/Res.299 (XXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty First Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa from 17 – 24 May 1973,

Having considered the chapter of the Report of the Administrative Secretary General on the situation in South Africa (CM/502/Part V) and taking into account the views expressed by the liberation movements of South Africa,

Seriously concerned by the repressive measures of the South African minority racist regime against the African people in this territory,

Gravely concerned by the massive military buildup of South Africa which constitutes a threat to peace and security in Africa,

Seriously concerned by South Africa’s increasing intervention in support of the other colonial and racist regimes in southern Africa,

Condemning the continued economic, financial and military assistance granted to the racist regime of South Africa by certain NATO Powers,

Noting with satisfaction the development of political activities specially the recent wave of strikes and popular resistance, in spite of the extremely difficult conditions,

Recalling the programme of action relating to the question of apartheid in South Africa adopted by the Oslo international conference in support of the victims of colonialism and apartheid, held from 9 – 14 April 1972,

  1. REAFFIRMS its total and unconditional support to the people of South Africa in their legitimate struggle for national liberation;

  1. WELCOMES the militancy and dynamism of the people of South Africa as an indication of a favourable revolutionary situation;

  1. PLEDGES the increase its financial and material assistance to the National Liberation Movement of South Africa taking into account the imperative needs of the struggle;

  1. CONDEMNS and rejects the policy of Bantustans aimed at the balkanization of the territory and isolation of the liberation movement;

  1. FURTHER CONDEMNS the continued economic, financial and military assistance grated to South Africa by certain NATO Powers especially FRANCE, BRITAIN and the USA, which ahs enabled the Pretoria regime to maintain and even expand its apartheid policy;

  1. REJECTS the contention of the vested interests that economic, financial and cultural links with South Africa will lead to a change of the apartheid regime;

  1. CALLS on all States particularly the major Western Powers and Japan to discontinue all scientific collaboration with South Africa, especially in the armament and nuclear fields and refrain from granting patents and licenses to South Africa;

  1. CALLS on the United Nations to adopt a programme for in ternational economic and other mandatory sanctions to counteract the growing aggressive role of south Africa;

  2. CALLS on the liberation forces of South Africa to close their ranks and form a united action from against their common enemy;

  1. SUPPORTS the initiative of the UN to organize in Geneva from 15 – 17 June 1973, an International Conference of Trade Unions against apartheid and calls on all States and non-governmental organizations, including the All African Trade Union Unity to support and attend this Conference;

  1. COMMENDS the action of the governments and organizations, including youth and sports organizations, which have refused to participate in sports activities with apartheid South Africa and requests them to further intensify their action in this respects.

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