Resolution on the Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations

CM/Res.310 (XXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty First Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa from 17 – 24 May 1973,

Convinced of the need to promote trade among African countries,

Aware of the inadequacy of information on trade opportunities among African Countries;

Noting the progress report on the Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations (DOC/CM/523),


  1. ECA resolution No.222 (X) on the establishment of an African Regional Trade Promotion Centre,

  2. the recommendations of the ECA/OAU Joint Meetings of experts on Trade and Development to establish such an Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations, (AATPO),

  3. Resolution No.247 (XI) of the 2nd ECA Conference of Ministers relating to the establishment in 1973 of African Trade Promotion Organization,

Recalling further that the intra-African trade symposium held in conjunction with the First All-Africa Trade Fair established a Preparatory Committee to draw up a constitution for the proposed Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations,

  1. SUPPORTS the principle of establishing the Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of OAU and the Executive Secretary of ECA to continue in their efforts to establish an Association of African Trade Promotion Organization and, with that end in view, urges interested organizations of Member States to adopt and sign the Constitution of the Association as proposed during the present Session of the Council of Ministers;

  1. INVITES the Administrative Secretary General of OAU to report to the Council at its Twenty Second Session.

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