Resolution African Trade Union Unity

CM/Res.311 (XXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty First Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa from 17 – 24 May 1973,

Recalling resolution No.A of July 21, 1964 of the first Assembly of Heads of State and Government held in Cairo on 21 July 1964 on African Trade Union Unity and all the other relevant resolution of OAU and the conference of African Labour Ministers,

Noting with satisfaction the report of the Administrative Secretary General of OAU on the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU), CM/514,

EXPRESSES ITS GRATIFICATION at the establishment of the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU);

EXPRESSES ITS SATISFACTION to the African Governments and to the General Secretariat of OAU for the assistance extended to the African Trade Union Organizations on the occasion of the setting up of OATUU;

CONGRATULATES the African trade union organizations and their devotion to the cause of Africa and on the efforts exerted by the unification of the African trade union movement;

INVITES the Administrative Secretary General of OAU to provide full co -operation to the efforts of the OATUU with a view to bring within its fold All African Trade Union Organizations.

FURTHER INVITES the African trade union organizations which have not already done so to disaffiliate themselves from all international trade union movements to realize national trade union unity and to join the ranks of OATUU in order to make this organization a united independent and Pan African Trade Union Movement;

EXPRESSES its appreciation to the Government of Ghana and

CONGRATULATES it for kindly agreeing to provide a headquarters for OATUU,

APPEALS to the governments of Member States to help the African trade un ion organizations in their efforts to procure financial resources that will be adequate to ensure their effective independence.

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