Resolution on Sanctions Against Rhodesia


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

HAVING HEARD the comprehensive report on the effects of sanctions from the General Secretariat of the OAU, which shows that even though the regime continues to sur vive in Southern Rhodesia, it is in fact feeling the effect of sanctions,

CONVINCED that sanctions are complimentary to the armed struggle currently waged in Zimbabwe,

REITERATES the OAU call on Member States of the OAU and UN to implement, the United Nations Security Council resolution 253 (1968) to do so as a matter of urgency,

EXPRESSES appreciation for the resolute stand taken by the OAU Member States which have cut all their trade links with the racist and fascist regime in Southern Rhodesia,

INVITES all OAU Member States in consultation with each other to blacklist those persons, companies and institutions in their countries which in pursuance of colonial and racial interest continue to have dealings or business with the illegal regime in southern Rhodesia,

APPEALS to Member States to study the situation of firms operation both in independent African States and Southern Africa and to take the appropriate measures against the firms if necessary,

REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General to study methods of imposing economic sanctions on these countries among Western nations which continue to trade with racist regimes in Southern Africa.

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