Resolution on the Activities of the African Group at the Unites Nations

CM/Res.351 (XXIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

HAVING HEARD the report of the Administrative Secretary General on the activities of the African Group at the United Nations,

AWARE of the important and the ever increasing role being played by the OAU within the United Nations in New York,

RECALLING its resolutions CM/Res.204 (XIII), CM/Res.233 (XX) and CM/Res.273 (XIX),

AWARE OF THE NEED for Africa to be adequately represented with the decision making bodies of the UN,

  1. TAKES note with satisfaction of the report on the activities of the African Group at the UN;

  1. WELCOMES the atmosphere of African solidarity and mutual understanding which prevails in the meetings of the African Group;

  1. WELCOMES the strengthening of the fruitful co-operation between the Secretariat of the United Nations and the Executive Secretariat in New York;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretariat General of the United Nations to take into consideration the preoccupation of the African States, members of the OAU to be adequately represented on the decision making bodies of the UN;

  1. REQUESTS the Executive Secretary, in consultation with the African Group, to continue to strengthen contacts with organizations and friendly groups interested in African problems in the USA, in the interest of Africa;

  1. TAKES NOTE with satisfaction of the decision of the government of the United States of America to accord an official status to the Executive Secretariat of the OAU in New York;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU to continue his contacts with the Governments of the USA with a view to securing the extension of diplomatic privileges and immunities to the statutory staff if the Executive Secretariat;

  1. ENCOURAGES the African Group and the Executive Secretariat to continue to strengthen their positive action at the United Nations.

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