Resolution on Adult/Continuing Education in Africa


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,


Having considered the recommendations of Experts on Adult/Continuing Education, Document CM/1054 (XXXV),


Recalling the recommendations of the Colloquium on the Development Prospects and Economic Growth of Africa held in Monrovia in February 1979,


Recalling the Plan of Action adopted by the Second Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of OAU Heads of State and Government held in April 1980 in Lagos, in particular the chapter placing special emphasis on education and literacy,


Considering the importance of literacy for the acceleration of overall and harmonious development of our states:


  1. ADOPTS the report and recommendations of the Panel of Experts on Adult/Continuing Education, (document CM/1054 (XXXV)) and in particular;


    1. that genuine political will be expressed by Member States to give priority to adult education;


    1. legislative and legal provisions defining a clear and coherent policy which stresses the right of the individual to education, reducing inequalities within societies and enabling African peoples to better understand the problems of the modern world;

    2. the formulation of global objectives taking into account national priorities and realities as well as planning of those objectives on short,

medium and long-term basis. The fight against ignorance, disease, poverty and the mastery and improvement of the techniques needed for various economic activities, the promotion of African Cultural and Social values, and an outward-looking policy in respect of modern world should constitute the guidelines of the global objectives of any adult education policy;


    1. the establishment of a national co-ordinating organs entrusted with the co-ordinating and effective implementation of the adult education programme as a whole. This co-ordinating organ should be decentralized down to the local level so as to take into account the needs of the population concerned;


    1. the establishment of institutions for the training of staff for adult education. It is suggested that in the meantime teachers, cadres and experts from voluntary agencies in the rural and industrial areas should be utilized for this purpose;


    1. the use of African national languages is highly recommended in Adult Education without necessarily abandoning the use of a foreign language;


    1. co-operation among African countries in the field of training, and exchange of experiences should be intensified especially between neighboring states having one language or more in common for the harmonization of national politics on these languages;


    1. the teaching of African national languages should also be introduced at the formal educational level especially in elementary schools;


    1. adult education should be continuing;

    2. radio, television, audio-visual aids, locally produced materials should be used in this education;


    1. need for external aid to supplement African states’ financial resources for Adult education. However, it would be appropriate to reduce the financial burden resulting from the employment of expatriate staff by employing African specialists, who, if need be should be trained on the spot;


    1. the establishment of Pan-African Body to collect and disseminate information on the experience of African States would be highly desirable;


    1. the OAU Secretary-General should convene periodic meetings of a standing committee of Adult Education Experts to consider the progress made in adult education in Africa and make recommendations aimed at eradicating illiteracy from Africa by the year 2000.

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