Resoluttion on Assistance to the Frontline States


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,

Taking note of the report of the Fifth Ordinary Session of the OAU Committee of 19 on Assistance to Front Line States contained in document CM/1045 (XXXV),

Recalling resolution AHG/Res.80 (XIII) adopted by the Heads of State and Government in Mauritius, stating inter-alia, “that any attack by the racist regimes against any Frontline State shall be deemed to be an attack on independent Africa as a whole”,

Recalling also resolution CM/Res.577 (XXIX), CM/Res.637 (XXXI) and AHG/Doc.112 (XVI) Rev.1,

Conscious of the sacrifices made by the Frontline States in their struggle for the total liberation of the Continent:

  1. ADOPTS the report of the Committee of 19 and endorses the recommendations therein;

  1. INVITES the Committee of 19 in collaboration with the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa to continue its work, including the assessment of the situation in the neighboring countries;

  1. UNDERTAKES firmly again to give material and financial assistance to all the Frontline States;

  1. APPEALS to all peace-loving countries of the world to grant assistance to the Frontline States namely: Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, and

Zimbabwe and thus combine their efforts with those of the African countries in order to strengthen the struggle against the racist Pretoria regime;

  1. CALLS on all regional and international organizations to continue to give priority assistance to the Frontline States.

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