CM/Res.788 (XXXV)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,
Having considered the report of the Thirty-fifth Session of the Liberation Committee with regard to Namibia and also having heard the report of the OAU Secretary-General on Decolonization and in particular on the question of Namibia,
Having read a letter of the racist South African regime to the UN Secretary- General,
Having examined the grave political and military situation in Namibia as a result of the continued illegal occupation of the territory by the racist regime of South Africa in the territory,
Reaffirming that the territorial integrity of Namibia including Walvis Bay is inviolable and should be strictly respected,
Further reaffirming that SWAPO is the sole legitimate and genuine representative of the Namibian people,
Commending SWAPO for its political mobilization of the Namibian people, and the intensification of the armed struggle against the South African armed forces of occupation in Namibia,
SWAPO for its political mobilization of the Namibian people, and the intensification of the armed struggle against the South African armed forces of occupation in Namibia,
Noting with grave concern the continued provocations of the racist regime of South Africa against independent African States in particular the Peoples Republic of Angola and the Republic of Zambia, and the continued violation of the racist regime with regard to the necessity of the implementation of the UN Security Council resolution 435 (1978),
Commending the Frontline States on their continued support to SWAPO in the execution of the Liberation struggle in Namibia,
Having learnt with grave concern the decision by the illegal [AUTHOR: WORD UNREADABLE] of South Africa to establish a puppet Council of Ministers in Namibia, aimed at imposing an internal settlement upon the people of Namibia,
Recalling the numerous resolutions and decisions of the UN, OAU and Non-Aligned Countries calling upon the racist regime of South Africa to withdraw from Namibia:
REAFFIRMS the unequivocal support of Member States for the just armed struggle of liberation waged by the people of Namibia under the leadership of SWAPO, the sole legitimate and genuine representative of the people of Namibia;
REITERATES the fact that Walvis Bay is an integral part of Namibia;
SUPPORTS the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization in his efforts to implement immediately the UN Security Council Resolution 435 (1978) and the Plan for the independence of Namibia;
MANDATES the African Group at the UN in the event of negative response or obstruction from South Africa on paragraph 3 above to call on the Security Council to urgently convene a meeting of the Council to take effective enforcement measures against the racist South African regime and to impose comprehensive and mandatory sanctions under Chapter VII of the
UN Charter in view of the racist regime’s continued defiance of Security Council Resolutions 385 (1976) and 435 (1978);
REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the OAU to continue to be in close contact with the Secretary-General at the United Nations of the question of Namibia;
STRONGLY CONDEMNS the setting-up of the so-called National Assembly in Namibia and the so-called South West Africa/Namibia Army by the illegal regime of South Africa;
CALLS UPON all OAU Member States and the rest of the international community to refrain from according any recognition to or co-operation with the illegal National Assembly or any regime which racist South Africa may impose upon the Namibian people;
REJECTS completely the 12 member puppet Council of Ministers established by the racist South Africa;
STRONGLY DENOUNCES the demands made by the racist regime of South Africa in their letter of May 12, 1980 to the UN Secretary-General that the UN should renounce its recognition of SWAPO as the sole and authentic representative the Namibian people;
URGES all OAU Member States to increase material, financial, diplomatic and political assistance to SWAPO;
CALLS UPON the international community to exert maximum pressure on the racist South African regime to terminate its military occupation of Namibia;
SOLEMNLY DECLARES that South Africa’s illegal occupation of Namibia; its persistent defiance of the United Nations decisions and its contempt
thereof, its war of repression being waged against Namibians, its repeated acts of aggression launched from bases in Namibia against independent African countries and its colonialist expansion, constitute a serious threat to international peace and security;
REITERATES its previous position of support for the United Nations Council for Namibia as the legal Administering Authority for Namibia, until independence, in which capacity the Council of Ministers, sitting at its Thirty-third Ordinary Session in Monrovia, Liberia, decided to grant to the Council Permanent Observer Status in the Organization of African Unity;
DECIDES that in the event of failure by the Security Council to adopt the measures envisaged in operative paragraph 9 above, the Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity shall meet in an extraordinary session to consider the new situation and take appropriate measures for the liberation of Namibia.