CM/Res.804 (XXXV)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on General Policy in the Field of civil Aviation, document CM/1069 (XXXV),
Recalling the provisions of resolution CM/Res.742 (XXXIII) Rev.1 which takes note of the draft declaration of General Policy in the field of Civil Aviation,
Noting with satisfaction the efforts made by the Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity and the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) to ensure the implementation of the Programme of the Transport and Communications Decade in Africa,
Conscious of the role played by air transport in the social and economic development of each Member State in the promotion of intra-African trade with a view of attaining collective self-reliance,
Further considering the contribution of Civil Aviation to the implementation of the Lagos Plan of Action on the Economic development of Africa,
Reiterating its conviction that a Declaration of General Policy may help to determine the principles of individual or collective action of Member States on Civil Aviation,
Bearing in mind the positive response of OAU Member States to the option of the Declaration of General Policy in the Field of Civil Aviation:
DECIDES to approve the Declaration of General Policy in the Field of Civil Aviation;
URGES Member States to take all appropriate measures to apply the guiding principles contained in the Declaration of General Policy;
REQUESTS the Secretary-General:
to help AFCAC as best as he can to attain the objectives stated in this Declaration;
to submit in collaboration with AFCAC a periodical report on all significant changes to be brought to the Declaration of General Policy in the Field of Civil Aviation.