The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,
Recalling its resolution CM/Res.755 (XXXIV) concerning the Third All African Trade Fair,
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General of the OAU on the current Preparations for the Third All Africa Trade Fair,
Noting with appreciation the steps taken by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan and the Steering Committee to ensure the success of the Fair,
Considering that the closing date for receiving the applications for participation in the Fair is the 30th of June 1980,
Emphasizing the importance of the All African Trade Fair and the role it plays in Promoting Intra-African Trade and Trade between Africa and the rest of the Word:
URGES all Member States to effectively participate in the Third All Africa Trade Fair to be held in Khartoum from 3 to 17 November, 1980;
INVITES Member States which have not yet done so to inform the Fair Administration as soon as possible about their intention to participate;
CALLS UPON all Member States to participate in the activities to be organized during the Fair especially the transfer of Technology Symposium, the Commercial and Investment Symposium and the various cultural activities so as to ensure the success of the Fair;
REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the OAU to urgently bring this resolution to the attention of all Member States.