Resoluttion on Boycott of Airlines Flying to and from South Africa

CM/Res.816 (XXXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,

Having discussed the report of the Secretary-General CM/1044 (XXXV),

Recalling resolution CIAS/Plen.2/Res.2 of May 1963 calling on all Member States to effect a complete boycott of South Africa by forbidding inter-alia the planes of South Africa to over fly their territories,

Recalling further its decision contained in CM/Res.13 (II) of 3rd June 1964 calling on Member States to take necessary steps to deny any aeroplanes or ships or any other means of communications getting to or coming from South Africa the right to fly over their territories or utilize their airports or any other facilities,

Taking into consideration all the relevant resolutions adopted on this subject in previous sessions and in particular CM/Res.734 (XXXIII) Rev.2 which expressed inter-alia the understanding sympathy and solidarity of the OAU with some independent states in Southern Africa and Cape Verde, which are obliged to maintain some economic relations with South Africa due to historic and geographic circumstances,

Noting with satisfaction that Member States in general have taken steps to forbid South African Airways from flying over their territories or utilize their airports or any other facilities,

Commending States that have forbidden foreign airlines from using their airports to and from South Africa,

Recalling resolution CM/Res.433 (XXVII) calling for a conference of aeronautical experts of OAU Member States to study the problem,

Noting with regret that the meeting of aeronautical experts convened by the Secretary-General has not taken place due to lack of quorum:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report of the Secretary-General contained in Document CM/1044 (XXXV);

  1. REAFFIRMS Resolution CIAS/Plen.2/Res.2 of May 1963, CM/Res.13 (II) of June 1964 and CM/Res.734 (XXXIII) Rev.2 of 1979;

  1. REQUESTS once again the Secretary-General to convene a conference of aeronautical experts of the OAU Member States to study the problem and report to the Thirty-seventh Session of the Council of Ministers;

  1. URGES Member States to respond positively to the invitation from the Secretary-General to that Conference;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to up-date Document CM/1044 (XXXV) and transmit it to all Member States for further study and possible action before the holding of such a meeting.

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