Resolution on the Struggle Against Drought and Other Natural Disasters

Resolution on the Struggle Against Drought and Other Natural Disasters

CM/Res. 924 (XXXVIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its 38th Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 22 to 28 February 1982,

Recalling all the relevant adopted OAU resolutions on Drought and Natural Disasters,

Having in mind the disastrous consequences of drought and other natural calamities on the socio-economic structure of many countries,

Noting with concern the permanent character of drought and other natural calamities, such as cyclones, floods, earthquakes, and locust etc.,

Convinced of the necessity to define a new approach in order thereby to find pragmatic, efficient and more lasting solutions:

  1. REQUEST the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on Drought and other Natural Disasters in its forthcoming meeting in Yaounde (United Republic of Cameroon) to undertake a detailed study of a technical nature with a view to formulating programmes and policies, appropriate and efficient for finding lasting solutions to the problem of drought and natural disasters;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States of the OAU to establish where-ever possible sub-regional organs such as CILSS to tackle more effectively and efficiently national disasters at the level of the regions;

  1. CONGRATULATES in this respect the CILSS for its dynamic actions and requests the Secretary-General of the OAU to continue supporting firmly the efforts of of CILSS to combat drought;

  1. APPEALS to all concerned international organs, financial, regional and international institutions of the Afro-Arab World and all other donor countries to increase their assistance in all forms to African countries subject to drought and other forms of natural disasters;

  1. INVITES FURTHER the Secretary-General to engage in negotiations with financial institutions and donor countries reinforcing OAU’s capacity of rapid intervention to assist African countries that are the victims of drought and other natural disasters;

  1. REQUESTS all Member States of the OAU to demonstrate effective Solidarity with African counties that are subjected to all forms of natural Disasters;

  1. INVITES the Secretary-General to carry out a fact finding mission to Eastern and Southern African countries similar to the one undertaken in the Sahelian countries in 1978 in implementation of the decision of the Heads of State on the issue;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to report on the issue to the 39th Session of the Council of Ministers.

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