CM/Res. 925 (XXXVIII)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirty-eighth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 22 to 28 February 1982,
Considering the excellent manner in which the Session had been organized both materially and technically, thus enabling the delegates to successfully carry out their deliberations in an atmosphere of frankness and cordiality:
EXPRESSES its most profound thanks to the host country, Socialist Ethiopia, its Leaders and its people for the warm hospitality which they once again accorded all the delegates in Addis Ababa, historic capital and Headquarters of the Organization of African Unity;
THANKS particularly the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Socialist Ethiopia for his personal contribution to the success of the deliberations;
FURTHER THANKS the Secretary-General of the OAU, the Secretariat and its technical staff for the spirit of devotion to duty they manifested throughout the duration of the Session;
HAILS the formal admission of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) as the 51st Member State of the OAU;
CONGRATULATES the Chairman of the Session for all his remarkable qualities and sense of humor which enabled him to steer the deliberations competently and effectively.