Resolution on the International Campaign for Sanctions against South Africa

CM/Res. 1097 (XLVI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 25 July 1987,

Referring to Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter on the Application of Mandatory Sanctions,

Considering Resolution No. 6/87 (XLII) of the Forty-second Session of African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Council of Ministers on the situation in Southern Africa,

Noting with satisfaction that non-African countries have committed themselves to taking actions to intensify anti-apartheid campaign through the application of sanctions against South Africa,

Expressing special satisfaction with the appeal made by the ACP Council of Ministers for increased humanitarian assistance to refugees, national liberation movements, and to countries neighboring South Africa as well as to Frontline States,

Encouraged by the boycott measures adopted by anti-apartheid movements throughout the World, and by European Trade Unions against the racist, apartheid regime,

Seriously concerned about the fact that EEC has accepted the accreditation of the Ambassador of racist South Africa in complete defiance of the campaign to isolate the apartheid regime,

Expressing satisfaction at the law enacted by the Government of Sweden, banning all forms of trade with South Africa and Namibia and by the legislative measures taken by the Governments of Holland and Norway and by the American Congress,

Further expressing satisfaction at the intensification of the sensitization and mobilization campaign launched against the apartheid regime by some member States on the continent,

Taking note of the decision of the ACP Council of Ministers to convene a Special Session of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs on South Africa,

Expressing satisfaction also at the continued international anti-apartheid campaign for comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa:

  1. REMAINS CONVINCED that the application of comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa, can compel it to abandon its apartheid policy;

  1. TAKES NOTE of Resolution no, 6/87 (XLII) of the Forty-second Session of the ACP Council of Ministers held from .. to on the situation in Southern Africa;

  1. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION with the decision of the ACP Council of Ministers to convene a special Session of the Council on the situation in Southern Africa and the appeal it has made to Member States for increased, humanitarian and all forms of assistance to refugees, liberation movements in Southern Africa, States neighboring South Africa and the Front-line States;

  1. DEPLORES the fact that selective economic sanctions imposed by the European Economic Community (EEC) did not have the desired impact on the racist regime of South Africa and URGES EEC to lend its support to the imposition of comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against racist South Africa;

  1. CONDEMNS the EEC for accrediting the Ambassador of racist South Africa in defiance of international public opinion directed against apartheid;

  2. CONGRATULATES all the Governments particularly those of Denmark, Sweden, Holland and Norway as well as the American Congress for their bold and laudable action in favor of sanctions against South Africa;

  1. FURTHER CONGRATULATES Anti-Apartheid Movements the world over, and European Trade Unions for their actions against South Africa and ENCOURAGES them to intensify the campaign and boycott of the apartheid regime;

  1. CALLS UPON the Secretary-General to co-ordinate:

    1. the holding of a meeting of African Anti-apartheid Groups on the situation in Southern Africa;

    1. the organization of Regional Seminars in Africa on the struggle in Southern Africa;

  1. REQUESTS Member States to intensify the sensitization campaign on apartheid and on the struggle in Southern Africa especially that waged by women and youths;

  1. CALLS UPON the Government of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany to support the appeal launched by the international community for comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa under Chapter seven of the United Nations Charter;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to report to the next Session of the Council of Ministers on the implementation of this resolution.

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